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English-German translation for: immune
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Dictionary English German: immune

Translation 1 - 50 of 110  >>

English German
ADJ   immune | more immune | most immune
SYNO   immune | resistant
ADJ  immun | immuner | am immunsten
immuner | immune | immunes
immunster | immunste | immunstes
immune {adj}
immune {adj}
immune {adj}
immune {adj}
biol. immune {adj}
2 Words: Others
biol. med. immune-activating {adj}immunaktivierend
biol. med. immune-based {adj}immunbasiert
med. immune-mediated {adj}immunvermittelt
biol. med. non-immune {adj}nicht immun
2 Words: Verbs
to render immuneimmun machen
2 Words: Nouns
med. immune activationImmunaktivierung {f}
med. immune adherenceImmunadhärenz {f}
med. immune attackImmunangriff {m}
biol. immune body [antibody]Immunkörper {m}
biol. immune cellImmunzelle {f}
biol. immune cognitionImmunerkennung {f}
biol. immune complexImmunkomplex {m}
biol. immune cytolysisImmuncytolyse {f}
med. immune defectImmundefekt {m}
med. immune defenceKörperabwehr {f}
biol. immune defence [Br.]Immunabwehr {f}
med. immune defense [Am.]Immunabwehr {f}
med. immune deficiencyAbwehrschwäche {f}
med. immune deficiencyImmundefizienz {f}
med. immune deficiencyImmunschwäche {f}
med. immune diseaseImmunerkrankung {f}
med. immune diseaseImmunkrankheit {f}
med. immune escapeImmunflucht {f}
biol. immune evasionImmunevasion {f}
med. immune evasionImmunflucht {f}
biol. immune functionImmunfunktion {f}
med. immune globulinImmunglobulin {n}
med. immune homeostasis [Am.]Immunhomöostase {f}
pharm. immune inhibitorsImmuninhibitoren {pl}
immune interferoneImmuninterferon {n}
biol. immune mechanismImmunmechanismus {m}
biol. immune protectionImmunprotektion {f}
biochem. biol. immune proteinImmunoprotein {n}
biol. med. immune reactionImmunantwort {f}
med. immune reaction [less frequent than: immune response]Immunreaktion {f}
biol. med. immune recognitionImmunerkennung {f}
med. immune regulationImmunregulation {f}
med. immune resistanceImmunabwehr {f}
biol. med. immune responseImmunantwort {f}
med. immune responseImmunreaktion {f}
med. immune responseimmunologische Abwehrreaktion {f}
pharm. immune seraImmunsera {pl}
med. immune serumImmunserum {n}
med. immune situationImmunlage {f}
med. immune statusImmunstatus {m}
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Q 2016-06-12: We are not immune.
Q 2015-02-16: emotional immune system
A 2012-04-21: immune
Q 2012-04-21: compromised immune system
A 2010-10-06: Even the Süddeutschezeitung isn't immune to mistranslations -
A 2010-09-16: As the head of the Holy See, the pope is immune - so no prosecutor can bri...
A 2010-03-27: Is 'immune' a true synonym?
A 2010-03-27: to be immune to sth.
A 2009-08-15: Interestingly, it is not the immune cells but the senescent cells that pro...
A 2009-05-08: immune to
A 2008-06-05: Looks like +did her gardening+ refers to hired hands. Since when have nati...
A 2008-01-08: upon challenge = after the immune system has been challenged
A 2007-08-29: overactive (immune) response?
A 2007-06-09: Well done, paula266. Is linguistics (as distinguished from any other intel...
A 2005-10-28: The replies are reassuring. At least two sober men who are immune to 'dizt...
A 2005-01-05: immune deficiency syndrome
A 2004-04-22: Aaarghhhhh elephant, you are something else, you are utterly immune to our...

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