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English-German translation for: impress
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Dictionary English German: impress

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
NOUN   an impress | impresses
VERB  to impress | impressed | impressed ... 
SYNO   to impress | to shanghai | to imprint ... 
tech. to impress sth.
etw.Akk. einprägen
to impress sb.
jdm. imponieren
to impress
to impress
bestechen [fig.] [beeindrucken]
to impressEindruck machen
to impress [sequester]requirieren
mil. to impress sb. [soldiers]jdn. zum Dienst pressen [veraltend]
impress [rare] [impression]
Eindruck {m}
Abdruck {m}
impress [impression, distinctive character]
Gepräge {n}
impress [impression]
Druck {m} [Eindruck, Aufdruck]
2 Words
to deeply impress sb.jdn. nachhaltig beeindrucken
to deeply impress sb.jdn. tief beeindrucken
to impress (sb.) with sth.(jdn.) durch etw.Akk. bestechen [für sich einnehmen]
to impress sb. (with sth.)jdn. (mit etw.Dat.) beeindrucken
to impress sb. deeplyjdn. tief beeindrucken
to impress sb. with sth.jdm. mit etw.Dat. imponieren
to impress sth. on sb.jdm. etw.Akk. reindrücken [ugs.]
to impress sth. on sb.jdm. etw.Akk. zu bedenken geben
3 Words
to impress a sealein Siegel aufdrücken
to impress sb. with awejdn. mit Ehrfurcht erfüllen
to impress sth. on / upon sb.jdm. etw. einschärfen
to impress sth. on / upon sb.jdm. etw. injungieren [geh.] [veraltet] [einschärfen]
4 Words
to be out to impress sb.bei jdm. Eindruck schinden (wollen) [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to bear the impress of sth. [fig.]den Stempel von etw. tragen
5+ Words
That's not going to impress anybody.Damit kann man nichts reißen. [ugs.]
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A 2015-03-11: We did not let them (allow them) to impress us
Q 2013-06-27: to impress upon the mind
Q 2012-04-06: to impress a picture on the mind
A 2011-08-27: “100 words to impress”
A 2011-05-22: With respect, I think milady's +sovereign talisman+ is an ill chosen wordi...
A 2011-04-05: there was no one present he needed to impress
A 2010-07-30: Waouh! I must say you impress me Joanne!
A 2010-02-14: to impress sth. on sb.
A 2010-01-12: some people, when buying a used car, try to impress the seller (usually an...
A 2009-12-12: failed to impress - failed to be impressed
A 2009-10-22: The meaning is actually correct. my suggestion (sounds better to impress):...
A 2009-04-09: @Zink120: Now do impress us and answer question #418431 ("All by myself " ...
A 2008-11-16: "... doesn't impress me"
A 2008-10-24: then we impress with radiant skin :-)
A 2008-09-05: to her / his / my / our / their dismay, X does not impress with his / her ...
A 2007-04-25: @ It is not that I want to impress, I simply don't know better :-)
A 2007-04-12: they easily impress!?
A 2006-07-30: @ godesia - yes he can if he wants to impress and get a job...c.f. job ads
A 2005-09-14: hope this idea should impress more people and everyone could participate t...
A 2004-02-18: to impress

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