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English-German translation for: in case
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Dictionary English German: in case

Translation 1 - 50 of 193  >>

English German
SYNO   in case | just in case
SEE ALSO  incase
in case {conj}falls
in case {conj}so [geh.] [falls]
in case {conj}wenn [falls]
in case {conj}im Fall
in case {conj}im Falle
in case {conj}für den Fall, daß [alt]
in case ... {conj}für den Fall, dass ...
case scenariosSzenarien {pl} in Fallstudien
(just) in case ...(nur) für den Fall, dass ...
in any case {adv}jedenfalls
in any case {adv}ohnedem [veraltet] [ohnehin]
in any case {adv}ohnedies
in any case {adv}ohnehin
in any case {adv}sowieso
in any case {adv}auf alle Fälle
in any case {adv}auf jeden Fall
in any case {adv} <IAC>in jedem Fall
in case of {prep}im Falle [+Gen.]
in case of {prep}im Falle von [+Dat.]
in case sth. occurs {adv}bei Auftreten von etw.Dat.
in case that ... {conj}für den Fall, dass ...
in each case {adv}jeweils
in either case {adv}in beiden Fällen
in my case {adv}bei mir [in meinem Fall]
In my case ...Bei mir war das so, dass ...
in no case {adv}keinesfalls
in no case {adv}auf keinen Fall
in no case {adv}unter keinen Umständen
in one case {adv}einmal [in einem Fall]
in that case {adv}dann [in diesem Falle]
in that case {adv}in diesem Fall
in that case {adv}in diesem Falle
in that case {adv}wenn dem so ist
in this case {adv}diesfalls [amtssprachlich, bes. österr. und schweiz.]
in this case {adv}in diesem Fall
in this case {adv}in dieser Sache
in this case {adv}unter diesen Umständen
ling. in upper case {adv}in Großbuchstaben
in upper case {adv}in Großschrift
in your case {adv}in Ihrem / deinem Fall
just in case {adv}sicherheitshalber
just in case {adv}für alle Fälle
just in case {adv}(nur) für den Notfall
just in case {adv}nur für alle Fälle
just in case {adv}nur für den Fall
just in case {adv} [preventively]auf Verdacht [ugs.] [Redewendung] [für alle Fälle, sicherheitshalber]
idiom Just in case. [Just to make sure.]Sicher ist sicher. [Nur für alle Fälle.]
case in pointParadebeispiel {n}
case in pointeinschlägiger Fall {m}
case in pointtypisches Beispiel {n}
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A 2023-04-17: I disagree with disambiguation in cases like that. Lots of words look similar.
A 2020-04-17: I can only see one entry for +in case that+
Q 2020-04-17: Can we say "in case that " in English?
A 2019-10-15: "Without success" or "In case of failure"
A 2019-10-11: In case of the unnegated phrase you could also say:
A 2018-10-10: "we may" means here: in case we want to do s.th. nothing prevents us from ...
A 2016-06-24: In case the "Tonne" has a indicator
A 2016-05-11: available in case of emergency
A 2016-05-09: +...in case anyone had noticed how long he’d been sitting there+
A 2015-11-02: Pronounced "skoash" in case you'll be saying it.
A 2015-10-16: ...or in case of an operating lever
A 2015-08-22: Just in case you're after a translation, here's one from bibel-online:
A 2015-07-03: In cases like this,
A 2015-04-25: Just in case, rabend can be reached by private mail, too. http://users.dic...
A 2015-04-09: in case you are not familiar with it ...
A 2015-03-02: Once more, quite right - in case of doubt, I would side with grammar and i...
A 2014-10-25: For starters, in case of a malfunction you don't need two service staff, o...
A 2014-10-14: gemeinsam (in case you wanted it in German)
Q 2014-07-04: in case you forget ....
A 2014-06-30: MutteRgesellschaft ;) (in case the German version is from you)

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