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English-German translation for: in its breeding colours
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Dictionary English German: in its breeding colours

Translation 1 - 50 of 22377  >>

orn. in its breeding colours {adv} [Br.]im Brutkleid
Partial Matches
orn. in its breeding colors {adv} [Am.]im Brutkleid
in different colours {adv} [Br.]in unterschiedlichen Farben
variety in colours [Br.]Abwechslung {f} in den Farben
in three colours {adj} {adv} [postpos.] [Br.]dreifarbig
in two colours {adj} {adv} [postpos.] [Br.]zweifarbig
to paint in bright colours [Br.]in hellen Farben malen
breeding-inInzucht {f}
biol. in-breedingInzucht {f}
painted in vivid colours {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]bunt bemalt
in a variety of colours {adv} [Br.]in verschiedenen Farben
in all colours of the rainbow {adv} [Br.]in allen Farben des Regenbogens
in all (the) colours of the rainbow {adv} [Br.]in allen Regenbogenfarben
to come out in one's true colours [Br.] [idiom]sein wahres Gesicht zeigen [Redewendung]
to show (oneself in) one's true colours [Br.] [idiom]seine wahre Gesinnung zeigen
to show oneself in one's true colours [Br.] [idiom]sein wahres Gesicht zeigen [Redewendung]
to show sb. in his / her true colours [Br.] [idiom]jds. wahres Gesicht zeigen [Redewendung]
tech. British Standard Colour / Colours [Br.] <BS colour, BS colours>[britischer Farbbezeichnungsstandard]
in its entirety {adv}als Ganzes
in its entirety {adv}im ganzen Ausmaß
in its entirety {adv}in seiner / ihrer Gesamtheit
in its entirety {adv}in vollem Umfang
in its entirety {adv}insgesamt
in its entirety {adv} [entirely]in Gänze
in its entirety {adv} [entirely]zur Gänze [Redewendung]
back in its placezurück an seinen Platz
binding in its entiretyin allen Teilen verbindlich
failing in its effect {adj}wirkungslos [erfolglos: Behandlung etc.]
in all its facets {adv}in allen (seinen / ihren) Facetten
in all its glory {adv}in all seiner Pracht
in all its glory {adv}in seiner ganzen Pracht
in all its particulars {adv}in allen Einzelheiten
in its current version {adv}in der aktuellen Fassung
publ. in its fourth edition {adv}in der vierten Auflage
in its natural state {adv}im Naturzustand
gastr. in its own greaseim eigenen Fett
in its own right {adv}für sich (genommen)
in its rough state {adv}im Rohzustand
Its rise began in ...Sein Aufstieg begann im Jahre ...
to bring in its trainin seine Bahn bringen
to bring in its trainmit sich bringen
to bring in its wakeim Gefolge haben
to bring in its wakemit sich bringen
to find its expression (in)sich ausprägen
in its natural state {adj} [postpos.]naturbelassen
in its original state {adj} {adv} [pred.]unbearbeitet
to be in its infancy [fig.](noch) nicht weit entwickelt sein
to draw in its claws [cat]Samtpfötchen machen [Katze]
to find its expression in sth.(seinen) Ausdruck in etw.Dat. finden
to have its origin in sth.seinen Ursprung in etw.Dat. haben
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