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English-German translation for: in the nick of time
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Dictionary English German: in the nick of time

Translation 1 - 50 of 113381  >>

SYNO   in the nick of time | just in time
in the nick of time {adv}in letzter Sekunde
in the nick of time {adv}kurz vor Toresschluss
in the nick of time {adv}kurz vor Torschluss
Keywords contained
in the last nick of time {adv}in letzter Sekunde
in the nick of time {adv} [idiom]gerade noch rechtzeitig
in the nick of time {adv} [idiom]im rechten Augenblick
idiom in the very nick of time {adv}im allerletzten Moment
idiom in the very nick of time {adv}in der allerletzten Sekunde
to come in the nick of timegerade rechtzeitig kommen
idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment]auf den letzten Drücker [ugs.]
idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment]im letzten Augenblick
idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment]im letzten Moment
Partial Matches
in the nick [Aus.]nackt
in the nick [Br.] [sl.]im Knast [ugs.]
to be put in the nick / clink [coll.]ins Loch kommen [ugs.] [Gefängnis]
in the course of time {adv}im Laufe der Zeit
in the course of time {adv}im Laufe der Zeiten
in the course of time {adv}im Wandel der Zeiten [Redewendung]
in the course of time {adv}mit der Zeit
in the length of time {adv}auf die Dauer
in the time interval ofin der Zeitspanne von
lit. in the womb of time {adv}im Schoß der Zeit
in the fullness of time {adv} [literary]als die Zeit dafür gekommen war
in the fullness of time {adv} [literary]wenn die Zeit dafür gekommen ist
in the same period of time {adv}in der gleichen Zeit [im gleichen Zeitraum]
to be lost in the mists of time [fig.]im Dunkel der Vergangenheit liegen [geh.]
in the fullness of time {adv} [idiom] [at the right and proper time]zu gegebener Zeit
film lit. F Love in the Time of Cholera [novel: Gabriel García Márquez; film: Mike Newell]Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera
in bad nick {adv} [Br.] [coll.]schlecht in Schuss [ugs.] [nicht gut in Schuss, in schlechtem Zustand]
lit. F The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [Mark Haddon]Supergute Tage oder die sonderbare Welt des Christopher Boone
to be in good nick [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]in guter Verfassung sein [körperlich]
to be in good nick [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [person]gut in Form sein [ugs.]
in good nick {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [pred.] [car etc.]gut in Schuss [ugs.]
lit. F The Nick Adams Stories [Ernest Hemingway]Die Nick-Adams-Stories
in half the time {adv}in der halben Zeit
in half the time {adv}in der Hälfte der Zeit
in the intervening time {adv}in der Zeit dazwischen
in the intervening time {adv}in der Zwischenzeit
in the summer time {adv}im Sommer
in the time following {adv}in der folgenden Zeit [in der Folgezeit]
in the time following {adv}in der Folgezeit
In the time since {adv}seitdem
bibl. time in the desertWüstenzeit {f}
mil. time in the militaryMilitärzeit {f} [auch: Zeit beim Militär]
at the time in question {adv}zur fraglichen Zeit
in the short time available {adv}in der Kürze der Zeit
in the shortest possible time {adv}in kürzester Zeit
in the shortest possible time {adv}in kürzestmöglicher Zeit [auch: in der kürzestmöglichen Zeit]
in the shortest time possible {adv}in möglichst kurzer Zeit
in the time to come {adv}zukünftig
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A 2009-02-26: Paraphrasing ddr: even if the windows of opportunity have to be realized a...
A 2007-12-30: in the nick of time
A 2006-08-04: ... in the nick of time - more colloquial than"in the last second"?
A 2006-07-06: thanks Dwight,,,,in the nick of time....

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