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English-German translation for: in vain
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Dictionary English German: in vain

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
SYNO   in vain | vainly
in vain {adv}sinnlos [vergeblich]
in vain {adv}umsonst [vergeblich]
in vain {adv}vergebens
in vain {adv}vergeblich
all in vain {adv}ganz umsonst [vergeblich]
all in vain {adv}für nichts und wieder nichts [Redewendung]
completely in vain {adv}völlig umsonst [vergebens]
completely in vain {adv}völlig vergebens
not in vain {adv} [idiom]nicht umsonst
mil. sports to attack sth. in vainvergeblich gegen etw. anrennen [anstürmen]
to hope in vainvergebens hoffen
to hope in vainvergeblich hoffen
to search in vainvergebens suchen
to talk in vainin den Wind reden [Redewendung]
to talk in vainin den Wind sprechen [Redewendung]
to try in vainvergebens versuchen
to wait in vainvergebens warten
to take sb.'s name in vain [idiom]über jdn. lästern
quote Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens. [Schiller]
bibl. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. [the third commandment, King James Version]Du sollst den Namen des Herrn, deines Gottes, nicht missbrauchen. [das zweite Gebot nach Luther]
proverb With stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.Der Dummheit ist kein Kraut gewachsen.
to spend one's breath (in vain) [idiom]in den Wind reden [Redewendung]
relig. to take the Lord's name in vainden Namen des Herrn missbrauchen
bibl. to take the name of the Lord in vainden Namen Gottes eitel nennen [unnütz führen, missbrauchen]
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A 2019-01-26: Richard Lionheart also won battles in vain. Were it not for the Israelis, ...
Q 2019-01-26: Richard of York gained battles in vain. *Merkvers für Regebogenfarben*.
A 2017-10-18: you hope in vain
Q 2017-10-18: Your hope in vain
A 2015-03-02: ... if I got you a ticket all in vain
A 2010-03-20: its eponymous colour http://www.onelook.com/?w=eponymous&ls=a (so I didn'...
A 2009-11-22: What health insurance companies have been preaching in vain, is a matter o...
A 2007-12-20: ^ typo: in vain
A 2007-12-14: aw, fudge, dont despair....I tried for hours in vain....
A 2007-10-06: I tried (I have tried) in vain to get hold of you by phone
A 2007-07-14: All in vain.
A 2007-07-14: thanks...I was googling in vain for transmitting block...
A 2007-06-15: Once the period mentioned in clause / sentence one has expired in vain
A 2007-04-13: bless you, I have just been trying in vain....not only genius but magic!
A 2006-09-21: no one < two words - now your posting wasn't quite in vain
A 2006-08-15: in vain, I'm afraid ;-)
A 2006-07-18: fularious, liz that is genius!! funnier than funny, but not quite hilariou...
Q 2006-02-14: Not in vain, McDonalds locate in...... en->de
A 2005-11-21: wasn't ALL in vain - nicht GANZ umsonst gewesen ist
A 2005-01-05: All is in vain unless Providence is with us.

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