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English-German translation for: incapable
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Dictionary English German: incapable

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
ADJ   incapable | more incapable | most incapable
SYNO   incapable | incompetent | unequal to
incapable {adj}
incapable {adj}nicht fähig
incapable {adj}nicht imstande
incapable {adj}nicht im Stande
incapable {adj}nicht in der Lage
2 Words
incapable of sth. {adj} [postpos.]untauglich für etw.Akk. [nachgestellt]
to declare sb. incapablejdn. als unfähig bezeichnen
3 Words
incapable of acting {adj} [postpos.]handlungsunfähig
psych. incapable of adapting {adj} [postpos.]anpassungsunfähig
law incapable of crime {adj} [postpos.]strafunmündig
incapable of infection {adj} [postpos.]infektionsunfähig
incapable of love {adj} [postpos.]liebesunfähig
zool. incapable of propagation {adj} [postpos.]fortpflanzungsunfähig
incapable of reform {adj} [postpos.]reformunfähig
med. incapable of speech {adj} [postpos.]sprechunfähig
jobs med. incapable of working {adj} [postpos.]arbeitsunfähig
4 Words
law incapable of giving evidence {adj} [postpos.]zeugnisunfähig
incapable of serious work {adj} [postpos.]für ernsthafte Arbeit nicht zu gebrauchen
to be incapable of doing sth.außerstande sein, etw. zu tun
to be incapable of doing sth.nicht im Stande sein, etw. zu tun
5+ Words
law incapable of acting in law {adj} [postpos.]geschäftsunfähig
incapable of thinking (straight) any more / longer {adj} [postpos.]nicht mehr denkfähig
to be physically incapable of doing sth.körperlich außer Stande sein, etw. zu tun
to be physically incapable of doing sth.körperlich außerstande sein, etw. zu tun
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A 2017-03-01: Have we reached the point where businessmen and technocrats are incapable ...
A 2016-10-30: Or incapable of drawing conclusions from analogy?
A 2016-10-05: @Lllama Thank you! I can see you have a heart for poor incapable comic boo...
A 2015-05-11: Still incapable of googling the way Ivy has demonstrated? Shame on you, wMw.
A 2015-05-02: Irony! When pretending she is incomparable to the point of being incapable...
A 2013-11-11: Typo (16:30) ... what +came+ over me ... - 'what +come+ over me' would be ...
A 2011-04-28: "incapable of moral judgment"
A 2010-04-10: can't keep...to save their lives = inept / incapable of keeping a bartende...
A 2010-01-05: ... do not accept the frequently-heard / oft-heard / often-heard opinion C...
A 2009-10-09: mentally capable ... ! mentally incapable ...
A 2009-01-20: +hörbar behindert+ is a cripple who jogs along noisily or who is incapable...
A 2006-10-19: A person can be ignorant (not knowing some fact or idea) without being stu...
A 2006-06-25: yes, allanissimo, tonite I am even incapable of the lesser things....
A 2005-12-21: Please don't hate yourself just because they were incapable of loving you
A 2005-10-11: I know that people who cannot be alone are largely incapable of relationships.
A 2005-08-15: fleet in being > Flottenpräsenz (Something Europe is, at present, quite in...
A 2004-01-30: That standard term is 'an unfit parent' ... and the meaning is that they a...

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incapable of giving evidence
incapable of infection
incapable of love
incapable of propagation
incapable of reform

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