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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: inches
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Dictionary English German: inches

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
NOUN   an inch | inches
VERB  to inch | inched | inched
inching | inches
NOUN   der Inch | die Inches
unit inches
Zoll {pl}
2 Words
print column inches {pl}Spaltengröße {f} [eines Zeitungsartikels, einer Anzeige]
print column inches {pl}Spaltenlänge {f} [eines Zeitungsartikels, einer Anzeige]
3 Words
audio film unit inches per second <ips> <in/s> <in/sec>Zoll {pl} pro Sekunde
4 Words
longer by two inches {adj} [postpos.]um zwei Zoll länger
5+ Words
at intervals of two inches {adv}in Abständen von zwei Zoll
sports to curl a free-kick inches wide [football]einen Freistoß nur um Zentimeter neben das Tor zirkeln
idiom to have two inches on her / him5 Zentimeter größer sein als sie / er
to stand six foot seven inches tall2 Meter groß sein
a man of your inches [coll.]ein Mann {m} von Ihrer Statur
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A 2022-06-29: +Zollstock+ wohl eher +meter+ bei manchen Amis; zu viele Briten hängen doc...
Q 2020-09-19: few inches off the ground
A 2019-07-25: A few inches of rain can swamp a New York street?
A 2019-03-10: If the height of the table just went down by a few inches,
A 2018-02-09: A mite feeling two inches tall feels like a giant.
Q 2018-02-09: To feel two inches tall
A 2015-02-14: Male anatomy in the crotch induces manspreading. In polite society boys ar...
A 2014-12-03: My first thought was inches: symbol "
Q 2013-06-06: dying by inches - im Sterben liegen?
Q 2013-06-06: dying by inches - im Sterben liegen?
A 2011-03-31: 11.7" x/by 8.3" +or+ 11.7 by 8.3 inches.
Q 2011-03-31: Massangaben in Inches
A 2010-12-04: Chanel: you may already know this, but the easiest way to convert feet and...
A 2010-12-03: Typos: 6 feet 2 +inches+ & 1.87 +meters+
A 2009-11-16: AE: 'travel: 8 inches' or 'has 8" of travel'.
A 2009-11-14: it does, me Schwanzenstuck is about 10 inches long
A 2009-07-05: Zoll (inches)
A 2009-06-04: google is confused here because there's no standard on how to write 5 feet...
A 2009-06-04: Careful with the googling: 5.10 feet is NOT the same as 5 feet 10 inches (...
Q 2009-05-15: Einheit in Deutsch: "6 lbs/linear inches"

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