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Dictionary English German: incident

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ADJ   incident | - | -
NOUN   an incident | incidents
SYNO   incident | incidental
incident {adj}
einfallend [Strahlung, Licht, Schall]
math. incident {adj} [e.g. incident to a vertex]
Vorfall {m}
Ereignis {n}
incident [e.g. diplomatic]
Zwischenfall {m}
incident [occurrence, event]
Begebenheit {f} [geh.]
nucl. tech. incident [abnormal occurrence, esp. in atomic power plant]
Störfall {m}
Vorkommnis {n}
Geschehnis {n}
Affäre {f} [Zwischenfall]
admin. FireResc incident [accident, abnormal occurrence]
Ereignisfall {m}
nucl. incident [INES]
Störfall {m} [INES-Skala]
Inzident {m} [veraltet o. Informatik]
mil. incident
Einlage {f} [eingespielter Zwischenfall in einer militärischen Übung]
2 Words: Others
incident to sth. {adj}mit etw.Dat. verbunden
post-incident {adj} [attr.]nach dem Ereignis [nachgestellt]
without incident {adv}ohne Zwischenfälle
2 Words: Nouns
acoustic incidentGeräuschspitze {f}
pol. border incidentGrenzzwischenfall {m}
brief incidentEpisode {f}
critical incidentkritischer Zwischenfall {m}
QM critical incidentkritisches Ereignis {n}
comp. Internet data incidentDatenpanne {f}
diplomatic incidentdiplomatischer Zwischenfall {m}
domestic incidenthäuslicher Zwischenfall {m}
FireResc fire incidentBrandereignis {n}
pol. frontier incidentGrenzzwischenfall {m}
hist. historical incidenthistorisches Ereignis {n}
math. phys. incident angleAuftreffwinkel {m}
math. incident angleEinfallswinkel {m}
incident bookWachbuch {n}
FireResc incident commandEinsatzleitung {f}
FireResc incident commander [e.g. fire service]Einsatzleiter {m} [z. B. Feuerwehr]
incident databaseEreignisdatenbank {f}
MedTech. incident doseEinfalldosis {f}
incident flowAnströmung {f}
econ. QM incident handling [risk management]Vorfallbehandlung {f} [Risikomanagement]
optics photo. incident lightAuflicht {n}
film photo. incident lightIlluminanz {f} [gemessenes einfallendes Licht]
phys. incident lightLichteinstrahlung {f} [in einem Winkel einfallend]
incident lightauffallendes Licht {n}
incident lighteinfallendes Licht {n}
QM incident managementVorfallmanagement {n}
comp. jobs QM incident managerIncident Manager {m}
med. incident painaktivitätsinduzierter Schmerz {m} [bei körperlicher Belastung, Berührung, Lageänderung, Husten, Lachen usw.]
phys. incident plane [plane of incidence]Einfallsebene {f}
phys. tech. incident positionEinfallsposition {f}
phys. incident radiationEinstrahlung {f}
phys. incident radiationeinfallende Strahlung {f}
phys. incident rayeinfallender Strahl {m}
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A 2018-12-13: incident ??
Q 2015-07-26: Patenttext über Abgasnachbehandlung (Abgabe Montag, 27.07.2015 um 14 Uhr) ...
A 2015-03-12: instructions (e.g. for dealing with the incident)
A 2015-03-12: instructions (e.g. for dealing with incident)
A 2014-05-07: context ??? incident note ... ??
A 2013-11-02: +mass incident+ scheint sich auf China zu beziehen.
Q 2013-11-02: Mass Incident gleicht Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt?
A 2013-10-28: "Retaliation" is very good. But is there a German version of this note or ...
A 2013-07-25: As luck would have it, I cheated death in my recent car accident, but now ...
A 2012-10-18: No, unfortunately I didn't see that incident (but it may have been reported).
A 2012-09-29: charged with an offence, charged over an incident
A 2012-08-21: "incident scene" is used often in the U.S.
A 2012-02-22: It's in present tense because the person is making a general statement, no...
A 2011-04-08: yes, Schadenshöhe pro Schaden - amount of loss per incident or claim
A 2010-09-02: In the incident pieces of wreckage hit a hole into engine shroud.
A 2010-06-29: a one-off incident
A 2009-05-27: ? incident fee
A 2009-04-10: Sorry for the mistake, it is supposed to be "incident"!
A 2009-04-10: incident report
A 2009-03-11: Etwas weniger +Umständliches?+ Nicht, dass ich wüsste. http://www.dict.cc/...

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