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English-German translation for: incidental
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Dictionary English German: incidental

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
ADJ   incidental | more incidental | most incidental
NOUN   incidental | incidentals
SYNO   incidental | incidental expense ... 
incidental {adj}
incidental {adj}
incidental {adj}
incidental {adj} [unplanned]
gelegentlich [zufällig]
incidental {adj} [related]
zugehörig [mit etw. einhergehend]
incidental {adj} [as a consequence]
anfallend [als Folge]
incidental {adj}
incidental {adj}
einfallend [Strahlung, Licht]
2 Words: Others
incidental toin indirektem Zusammenhang mit
2 Words: Nouns
acad. incidental [secondary] finding [conclusion from research]Zweitauswertung {f}
law incidental actionNebenklage {f}
incidental businessbeiläufiges Geschäft {n}
fish FoodInd. incidental catchBeifang {m}
incidental circumstanceNebenumstand {m}
constr. incidental costsGrundgebühr {f}
constr. incidental costsGrundkosten {pl}
incidental costsNebenkosten {pl}
incidental costsindirekte Kosten {pl}
constr. incidental costsOhnehin-Kosten {pl}
constr. incidental costsohnehin anfallende Kosten {pl}
incidental damageNebenschaden {m}
incidental earningsgelegentliche Nebeneinkünfte {pl}
econ. fin. jobs incidental earnings {pl}Nebenverdienst {m}
incidental effects {pl}Nebeneffekte {pl}
incidental elementgelegentlich auftretendes Arbeitselement {n}
incidental expensesNebenkosten {pl}
incidental expensesanfallende Nebenkosten {pl}
incidental expensesgelegentliche Nebenausgaben {pl}
med. incidental findingZufallsbefund {m}
biol. med. incidental host [dead end host]Zufallswirt {m}
mus. incidental musicBegleitmusik {f} [in Filmen etc.]
mus. theatre incidental musicBühnenmusik {f}
mus. incidental musicHintergrundmusik {f} [opt. Medien, Computerspiele etc.]
mus. theatre incidental musicSchauspielmusik {f}
film mus. theatre incidental musicSzenenmusik {f}
mus. incidental musicmusikalische Untermalung {f}
incidental occurrencenebensächliches Ereignis {n}
incidental provisionNebenbestimmung {f}
incidental remarkNebenbemerkung {f}
incidental remarkZwischenbemerkung {f}
incidental timesonstige Nutzzeit {f}
incidental victimZufallsopfer {n}
3 Words: Others
It is incidental.Es ergibt sich.
3 Words: Verbs
to be incidental to sth.indirekt mit etw.Dat. zusammenhängen
3 Words: Nouns
law (incidental) legal consequencesNebenfolgen {pl}
costs incidental to sth.Nebenkosten {pl}
constr. RealEst. incidental site costsGrundstücksnebenkosten {pl}
tech. maximum incidental pressure <MIP>maximal anfallender Druck {m} [Grenzdruck im Störungsfall]
4 Words: Nouns
expenses incidental to landingindirekte Kosten {pl} für Löschung
expenses incidental to unloadingindirekte Abladekosten {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
all expenses of or incidental to sth.direkte oder indirekte Kosten {pl} von etw.
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A 2016-10-02: http://www.dict.cc/?s=incidental
Q 2016-10-02: incidental?
Q 2014-02-21: Entsprechungserklärung, Abgabe Fr. 21.02.2014 um 12 Uhr - "incidental sum ...
A 2012-04-02: ? incidental expense revenue
Q 2011-09-13: incidental charges
Q 2011-05-08: Incidental Emotions - wie übersetzen?
A 2011-03-22: or: incidental music?
A 2010-03-29: daily allowance for incidental expenses?
A 2009-12-08: never heard of Radecki's "Knickbrackmarsch" ? (incidental music for the Ge...
A 2009-10-22: Definition of incidental on the Web:
A 2009-10-22: das heißt vermutlich was Anderes: incidental = naturally happening as a re...
Q 2009-10-22: incidental
A 2008-12-10: ? a little incidental detail (oder: an interesting side note)
A 2008-02-07: wörtlich 'items except as incidental to the storage of the bicycle' = 'Geg...
A 2008-02-07: why as incidental and what does this word mean
Q 2008-02-07: as incidental to.. ?? Thanks
A 2007-10-21: Bemerkung am Rande > incidental remark
A 2007-10-21: an incidental hint < An incidental hint. If you are developing code you sh...
A 2006-08-17: incidental finding
A 2006-05-31: Nein, das heisst nicht incidental.

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