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|  |
 | gastr. [joint of meat including ribs] | Rippenstück {n} |  |
 | gastr. [joint of pork, veal or lamb including ribs] | Karree {n} [bes. österr.] |  |
Partial Matches |
 | hit [Am.] [off a cigarette, joint] | Zug {m} [an Zigarette, Joint] |  |
 | med. internal derangement <ID> [knee joint, temporomandibular joint] | Binnenschädigung {f} [Kniegelenk, Kiefergelenk] |  |
 | med. ligament instability [of the knee joint, ankle joint, etc.] | Bandinstabilität {f} [des Kniegelenks, Sprunggelenks usw.] |  |
 | med. giving way [of a joint, esp. of the knee joint] | Weggleiten {n} [eines Gelenks, bes. des Kniegelenks] |  |
 | med. giving way [of a joint, esp. of the knee joint] | Wegknicken {n} [eines Gelenks, bes. des Kniegelenks] |  |
 | med. unhappy triad [damage to the knee joint or elbow joint] | Unhappy Triad {f} [Unhappy-Triad-Verletzung des Knie- bzw. Ellenbogengelenks] |  |
 | incorporation [act of including] | Einfügung {f} |  |
 | RealEst. [rent including maintenance but excluding heating] | Bruttokaltmiete {f} |  |
 | mus. theatre musical theatre [esp. Br.] [including opera etc.] | Musiktheater {n} |  |
 | art seascape painting [including the painting of ships] | Marinemalerei {f} |  |
 | demand for money [including demand for loan repayment] | Geldforderung {f} |  |
 | appreciative of art {adj} [postpos.] [including music, literature etc.] | kunstsinnig [geh.] |  |
 | med. tech. site of the fissure [crack in some material including bones] | Rissstelle {f} |  |
 | educ. de-registration [removal from the register of students for any reason including graduation] | Exmatrikulation {f} |  |
 | law civil status [regional] [detailed personal information including origin, citizenship, marriage, and family] | Zivilstand {m} [schweiz.] [Personenstand] |  |
 | not comprising {adj} [exclusive, not including] | ungerechnet [nicht mitgerechnet, nicht berücksichtigt] |  |
 | involving sth. {adj} [postpos.] [including sth. as a result] | etw.Akk. mit sich bringend [etw. zur Folge habend] |  |
 | ling. [German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj} | piefkinesisch [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | [German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj} | piefkonisch [österr.] [ugs.] [bundesdeutsch] |  |
 | common {adj} [joint] | gemeinsam |  |
 | gap [joint] | Fuge {f} |  |
 | common {adj} [collective, joint] | gemeinschaftlich |  |
 | med. to aspirate [joint] | punktieren [Gelenk] |  |
 | med. to dislocate [joint] | auskugeln [Gelenk] |  |
 | bondline [adhesive joint] | Klebverbindung {f} |  |
 | anat. compartment [joint] | Loge {f} [Gelenk] |  |
 | pol. condominium [joint sovereignty] | Kondominat {n} {m} |  |
 | tech. weld [welded joint] | Schweißstelle {f} |  |
 | tech. to sweat [pipe solder joint] | löten |  |
 | constr. [woodworking joint, similar to dovetail] | Tannenbaumverbindung {f} |  |
 | med. diarthrosis [synovial joint] | echtes Gelenk {n} |  |
 | drugs J [sl.] [joint] | Joint {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | drugs reefer [sl.] | Ofen {m} [ugs.] [Joint] |  |
 | anat. socket [of joint] | Pfanne {f} [Gelenkpfanne] |  |
 | tech. butt welding [joint] | Stoß-Schweißnaht {f} |  |
 | constr. tech. expansion joint [dilatation joint] | Dilatationsfuge {f} |  |
 | cloth. suit of clothes [usually including a jacket and trousers] | Anzug {m} [aus Hose und Jacke, und optional Weste, bestehendes Kleidungsstück (für Männer)] |  |
 | common {adj} [collective, joint] | kommun [veraltet] [geh.] |  |
 | [union based on joint liabilities] | Haftungsunion {f} |  |
 | anat. enarthrosis [ball-and-socket joint] | Kugelgelenk {n} |  |
 | common position [joint opinion] | gemeinsamer Standpunkt {m} |  |
 | common trait [collective, joint] | gemeinsames Merkmal {n} |  |
 | tech. CV joint [constant velocity joint] | Gleichlaufgelenk {n} |  |
 | tech. hinged joint [revolute joint] | Drehgelenk {n} [Scharnier] |  |
 | tech. Hooke's joint [cardan joint] | Kreuzgelenk {n} |  |
 | hist. law joint heir [also: joint-heir] | Ganerbe {m} |  |
 | tech. link joint [also: knuckle joint] | Gabelgelenk {n} |  |
 | to have high tea [Br.] [to eat a light meal in the early evening, often including sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea] | Abendbrot essen |  |
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