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English-German translation for: incomplete
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Dictionary English German: incomplete

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
ADJ   incomplete | more incomplete | most incomplete
SYNO   incomplete | uncomplete | uncompleted
incomplete {adj}
incomplete {adj}
incomplete {adj}
incomplete {adj}
incomplete {adj}
incomplete {adj}nicht abgeschlossen
incomplete {adj}nicht vollzählig
2 Words: Others
grossly incomplete {adj}grob unvollständig
more incomplete {adj}lückenhafter
most incomplete {adj}lückenhafteste
2 Words: Nouns
mus. incomplete cadenceunvollkommener Schluss {m}
incomplete collectionunvollständige Sammlung {f}
chem. incomplete combustionunvollständige Verbrennung {f}
incomplete depurationunvollständige Ausscheidung {f}
incomplete descriptionunvollständige Beschreibung {f}
biol. incomplete dominanceunvollständige Dominanz {f}
psych. incomplete gestaltnicht abgeschlossene Gestalt {f}
incomplete instructionsunvollständige Anweisungen {pl}
zool. incomplete metamorphosiskontinuierliche Metamorphose {f}
incomplete numberunvollständige Anzahl {f}
incomplete prototypeunvollständiger Prototyp {m}
incomplete saturationunvollständige Sättigung {f}
med. incomplete voidingunvollständige Blasenentleerung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
tech. incomplete (root) penetration [welding]ungenügende Durchschweißung {f}
econ. fin. incomplete business yearRumpfgeschäftsjahr {n}
med. incomplete immune responseunvollständige Immunantwort {f}
4 Words: Nouns
educ. incomplete or late applicationsunvollständige oder verspätete Bewerbungen {pl}
incomplete piece of workmangelhaftes Werkstück {n}
incomplete work of artunvollendetes Kunstwerk {n}
5+ Words: Others
if the address is incompletefalls die Anschrift unvollständig ist
comp. Incomplete patient names are interactively defined.Unvollständige Patientennamen werden interaktiv eindeutig gemacht.
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A 2024-02-01: unclear and incomplete
A 2017-10-20: Incomplete Interchange
A 2016-08-04: I think the sentence is incomplete to understand
A 2015-12-10: The information was incomplete/insufficient/lacking/inadequate.
A 2015-12-10: Information based on incomplete facts
A 2014-06-06: Sounds incomplete to me
A 2011-06-30: +This played a role in his being awarded+ sounds incomplete -
A 2010-12-27: No. It's incomplete to start with.
A 2010-12-17: Gender mistake or incomplete sentence.
A 2010-12-15: Sorry, text was incomplete
A 2010-10-07: No, Saluton, complete or incomplete sentence or just exclamation,
A 2010-09-30: incomplete expression
A 2010-09-18: incomplete term
A 2010-08-02: incomplete
A 2010-03-13: It is an incomplete sentence.
A 2010-02-23: This sentence is incomplete and cannot be translated.
A 2010-02-20: it is incomplete cause in question # 2 follows...
Q 2010-02-20: is the following sentence incomplete ? there is no typo
A 2009-12-11: incomplete?
A 2009-07-31: @OJ: Your sentence is incomplete.

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• incomplete
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incomplete business year
incomplete cadence
incomplete collection
incomplete combustion
incomplete depuration
incomplete description
incomplete dominance
incomplete gestalt
incomplete immune response

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