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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: increased risk
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: increased risk

Translation 1 - 50 of 1329  >>

Keywords contained
to bear an increased riskein erhöhtes Risiko bergen [geh.]
17-fold increased risk17fach erhöhtes Risiko {n}
med. increased risk of obesityerhöhtes Adipositasrisiko {n}
med. increased haemorrhagic risk [esp. Br.]erhöhte Blutungsgefahr {f}
Partial Matches
increased {adj} {past-p}angewachsen [vermehrt]
increased {adj} {past-p}aufgestockt
increased {adj} {past-p}erhöht
increased {adj} {past-p}gesteigert
increased {adj} {past-p}vermehrt
increased {past-p}zugelegt
increased {past-p}zugenommen
increased {adj} [greater]stärker [gesteigert]
sth. increasedetw. nahm zu
considerably increasedwesentlich erhöht
increased eightfold {past-p}verachtfacht
increased fivefold {past-p}verfünffacht
increased fourfold {past-p}vervierfacht
increased sevenfold {past-p}versiebenfacht
increased sixfold {past-p}versechsfacht
increased tenfold {past-p}verzehnfacht
increased threefold {past-p}verdreifacht
audio fin. phys. slope-increased {adj}versteilert
strikingly increased {adj}deutlich erhöht
increased accesserweiterter Zugang {m}
increased appetitegesteigerter Appetit {m}
increased competitionerhöhter Wettbewerb {m}
increased consumptionMehrverbrauch {m}
increased costserhöhte Kosten {pl}
increased demanderhöhte Nachfrage {f}
increased demandMehrbedarf {m}
increased difficultieserhöhte Schwierigkeiten {pl}
increased efficiencyerhöhte Leistung {f}
increased efficiencyLeistungssteigerung {f}
increased efficiencyMehrleistung {f}
sports increased fitnesserhöhte Fitness {f}
increased hardnessAufhärtung {f}
increased losses {pl}Zunahme {f} der Verluste
increased performanceerhöhte Leistung {f}
increased performanceLeistungssteigerung {f}
ecol. nucl. increased radioactivityerhöhte Radioaktivität {f}
increased requirements {pl}erhöhter Bedarf {m}
increased safetyerhöhte Sicherheit {f}
increased significanceBedeutungsgewinn {m}
increased significanceerhöhte Bedeutung {f}
med. MedTech. increased specificityhöhere Spezifität {f}
increased taxationerhöhte Steuerlast {f}
increased utilizationverstärkte Nutzung {f}
increased valuationerhöhte Wertfestsetzung {f}
increased yielderhöhter Ertrag {m}
Fame increased incessantly.Der Ruhm stieg unaufhörlich.
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Q 2012-08-21: to be at increased risk of
A 2010-03-31: individuals who are at increased risk
A 2008-01-22: There is an increased risk of the income from these sales bypassing the co...

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