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English-German translation for: incredible
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Dictionary English German: incredible

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

English German
ADJ   incredible | more incredible | most incredible
SYNO   incredible | unbelievable
incredible {adj}
incredible {adj}
incredible {adj}
incredible {adj}
wahnsinnig [ugs.]
incredible {adj} [unbelievable]
unglaubwürdig [Geschichte, Bericht etc.]
incredible {adj}
unheimlich [Schmerzen]
incredible {adj}
incredible {adj}
incredible {adj}
hanebüchen [pej.] [unglaublich]
incredible {adj}
incredible {adj}
haarsträubend [unglaublich]
incredible {adj}
bodenlos [fig.]
incredible {adj}
mordsmäßig [ugs.] [riesig]
incredible {adj}
2 Words: Nouns
incredible adventureunglaubliches Abenteuer {n}
incredible arse [Br.] [vulg.]Wahnsinnsarsch {m} [vulg.]
incredible ass [Am.] [vulg.]Wahnsinnsarsch {m} [vulg.]
incredible backside [coll.]Wahnsinnshintern {m} [ugs.]
incredible behindWahnsinnshintern {m} [ugs.]
incredible bodyWahnsinnskörper {m} [ugs.]
incredible boobs [vulg.]Wahnsinnstitten {pl} [vulg.]
incredible bottomWahnsinnspo {m} [ugs.]
incredible bumWahnsinnspopo {m} [ugs.]
incredible buttWahnsinnshintern {m} [ugs.]
incredible crimeunfassbares Verbrechen {n}
incredible incidentunglaubliches Ereignis {n}
incredible messunglaubliches Durcheinander {n}
incredible numberunglaubliche Anzahl {f}
incredible opportunityunglaubliche Gelegenheit {f}
incredible storyunglaubliche Geschichte {f}
incredible successsagenhafter Erfolg {m}
incredible tits [vulg.]Wahnsinnstitten {pl} [vulg.]
3 Words: Others
That was incredible!Das war unglaublich!
4 Words: Others
at an incredible pace {adv}mit unglaublicher Geschwindigkeit
at an incredible speed {adv}mit unglaublicher Geschwindigkeit
in an incredible manner {adv}auf unglaubliche Weise
in an incredible way {adv}auf unglaubliche Weise
in an incredible way {adv}in einer unglaublichen Weise
in an incredible way {adv}auf unglaubliche Art und Weise
4 Words: Verbs
to display an incredible arroganceeine unglaubliche Arroganz an den Tag legen
to exhibit an incredible arroganceeine unglaubliche Arroganz an den Tag legen
5+ Words: Others
It seems almost incredible that ...Es scheint unglaublich, dass ...
idiom That is absolutely staggering / incredible.Das geht auf keine Kuhhaut.
which, incredible as it sounds, ...das, so unglaublich es auch klingt, ...
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Puff and the Incredible Mr. Nobody [Charles Swenson]Paff und der wundersame Herr Niemand
film F The Incredible Adventures of Marco Polo [George Erschbamer]Marco Polo und die Kreuzritter
lit. F The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm [Norman Hunter]Professor Hirnschlags unglaubliche Abenteuer
film F The Incredible Burt Wonderstone [Don Scardino]Der unglaubliche Burt Wonderstone
RadioTV F The Incredible HulkDer unglaubliche Hulk
games F The Incredible Machine <TIM>Professor Tims verrückte Werkstatt
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Q 2018-02-01: incredible?
Q 2015-04-30: Seen +The Incredible Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco?+
A 2012-12-22: Was ich diesbezüglich am häufigsten in den Medien höre ist: incredible
A 2012-03-30: It's incredible what people spend their money for.
Q 2011-06-21: That's an incredible display of sheep flocking to pasture.
A 2011-03-20: Wandle, you are incredible. Thanks.
A 2011-02-05: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1GGLL_de___DE385&...
A 2010-01-28: :) Thanks for the great explanation, mwk. You are an incredible source of ...
A 2010-01-27: incredible interesting topic
A 2010-01-17: Incredible, Proteus
A 2009-11-02: Incredible!
Q 2009-02-21: Auto landet im Kirchendach {incredible accident}
A 2008-11-29: ... is just incredible / unbelievable / amazing / wicked
A 2008-07-17: Without chocolate? Incredible!
A 2008-02-12: You are an incredible audience!
A 2008-02-04: yes, it's incredible!!
Q 2008-01-21: An incredible set of stand-alone businesses
A 2007-11-15: Many people are unaware of the incredible inner strength that they possess
A 2007-11-08: incredible :-)))
A 2007-10-28: the incredible Riddle....thanks

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• Incredible
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incredible arse
incredible ass
incredible backside
incredible behind
incredible body
incredible boobs
incredible bottom
incredible bum
incredible butt

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