| English | German | |
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Partial Matches |
| responsive {adj} | ansprechbar | |
| responsive {adj} | antwortend | |
| responsive {adj} | reagierend | |
| comp. tech. responsive {adj} | reaktionsfähig | |
| responsive {adj} | responsiv | |
| responsive {adj} | zugänglich | |
| responsive {adj} | reagibel [geh.] | |
| responsive audience | mitgehendes Publikum {n} | |
| responsive (to sth.) {adj} | empfänglich (für etw.Akk.) | |
| to be responsive to sth. | auf etw.Akk. reagieren | |
| to be responsive to sb./sth. | auf jdn./etw. eingehen | |
| to be responsive to sb.'s pleas | jds. Bitten nachkommen | |
| incredibly {adv} | unglaubhaft | |
| incredibly {adv} | unglaublich | |
| incredibly {adv} | unglaublicherweise | |
| incredibly {adv} | unvorstellbar | |
| incredibly {adv} | unwahrscheinlicherweise | |
| incredibly {adv} | tierisch [ugs.] | |
| incredibly {adv} | unerhört [überaus] | |
| incredibly hideous {adj} | abgrundhässlich | |
| incredibly hideous {adj} | grundhässlich | |
| incredibly {adv} | bestechend [schön, logisch] | |
| incredibly {adv} | unheimlich [unglaublich, ungeheuer] | |
| incredibly {adv} | unwahrscheinlich [ugs.] [sehr] | |
| incredibly {adv} [coll.] | mordsmäßig [ugs.] | |
| incredibly hideous {adj} | abgrundhäßlich [alt] | |
| incredibly important {adj} | unglaublich wichtig | |
| incredibly stupid {adj} | ungeheuer dumm | |
| incredibly ugly {adj} | grottenhässlich [ugs.] | |
| incredibly big {adj} | unheimlich groß [ugs.] | |
| incredibly fast {adj} {adv} | wahnsinnig schnell [ugs.] | |
| incredibly handy {adj} | wahnsinnig praktisch [ugs.] | |
| incredibly long {adj} [coll.] | ellenlang [ugs.] | |
| incredibly stupid {adj} | selten dämlich [ugs.] | |
| incredibly good luck | Mordsglück {n} [ugs.] | |
| med. responsive to sth. {adv} [treatment, therapy, etc.] | auf etw.Akk. ansprechend [Behandlung, Therapie usw.] | |
| incredibly {adv} [coll.] | unsterblich [ugs.] [fig.] [außerordentlich] | |
| incredibly stupid {adj} [coll.] | unglaublich dämlich [ugs.] | |
| med. to be responsive to sth. [treatment, therapy, etc.] | auf etw.Akk. ansprechen [Behandlung, Therapie usw.] | |
| to be incredibly hungry | einen Mordshunger haben [ugs.] | |
| to be incredibly lucky | (ein) unglaubliches Glück haben | |
| to be incredibly stupid | vor Dummheit schreien [ugs.] | |
| to be incredibly famished [coll.] | einen Mordshunger haben [ugs.] | |
| to be incredibly thick [coll.] | vor Dummheit schreien [ugs.] | |
| to be incredibly well informed | verblüffend gut Bescheid wissen [Redewendung] | |
| Internet responsive web design <RWD> | responsives Webdesign {n} <RWD> | |
| bot. thigmonastically responsive organ | thigmonastisch reagierendes Organ {n} | |
| incredibly {adv} [e.g. beautiful] | über alle Begriffe [z. B. schön] | |
| lit. F Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close [Jonathan Safran Foer] | Extrem laut und unglaublich nah | |
| to be (incredibly) grateful to sb. for sth. | jdm. für etw.Akk. (unglaublich) dankbar sein | |
| incredibly tall {adj} [coll.] [person] | ellenlang [ugs.] [Person] | |
| proverb Better smart in secret than incredibly stupid. [German pun on: heimlich / unheimlich] | Lieber heimlich schlau als unheimlich doof. | |
| quote And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty] | An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben. | |
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