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English-German translation for: inductive reasoning
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Dictionary English German: inductive reasoning

Translation 1 - 50 of 98  >>

NOUN   inductive reasoning | -
SYNO   generalisation | generalization ... 
philos. inductive reasoningInduktion {f}
philos. inductive reasoninginduktives Denken {n}
inductive reasoninginduktives Folgern {n}
Partial Matches
electr. inductive {adj}induktiv
non-inductive {adj}induktionsfrei
electr. inductive circuitinduktiver Schaltkreis {m}
electr. phys. inductive couplingGegeninduktion {f}
electr. inductive couplinginduktive Kopplung {f}
chem. inductive effectinduktiver Effekt {m}
electr. inductive feedbackinduktive Rückkopplung {f}
engin. phys. inductive heatinginduktives Erwärmen {n}
electr. inductive interferenceinduktive Beeinflussung {f}
math. inductive limitinduktiver Limes {m}
inductive loadinduktive Belastung {f}
electr. inductive loadinduktive Last {f}
electr. inductive loopInduktionsschleife {f}
automot. electr. inductive loopInduktivschleife {f}
inductive methodinduktive Methode {f}
electr. inductive reactanceinduktiver Blindwiderstand {m}
electr. inductive resistanceinduktiver Widerstand {m}
electr. tech. inductive sensorinduktiver Sensor {m}
inductive susceptanceinduktiver Blindleitwert {m}
rail inductive train protectioninduktive Zugsicherung {f} <Indusi, INDUSI>
electr. inductive voltage transformerinduktiver Spannungswandler {m} [IEC, VDE]
electr. rail inductive power supply <IPS>induktive Energieversorgung {f}
astronau pulsed inductive thruster <PIT>induktives Flachspulentriebwerk {n}
math. inductive and projective limitsinduktive und projektive Limiten {pl} [schweiz.]
stat. inductive statistics [treated as sg.]induktive Statistik {f}
reasoning {adj} {pres-p}argumentierend
reasoning {adj} {pres-p}überlegend
reasoningArgumentation {f}
law reasoningBegründung {f} [eines Gerichtsurteils]
reasoningBeweisführung {f}
reasoningDenken {n}
reasoningFolgerung {f}
reasoningGedankengang {m}
reasoninglogisches Denken {n}
reasoningRäsonnement {n} [geh.] [veraltend]
reasoningSchlussfolgern {n}
reasoningSchlussfolgerung {f}
reasoningUrteilsvermögen {n}
philos. abductive reasoningAbduktion {f}
acad. abstract reasoningabstraktes Denken {n}
armchair reasoningTheoretisieren {n} [Argumentieren ohne eigene Erfahrung]
circular reasoningZirkelbeweis {m}
circular reasoningZirkelschluss {m}
med. clinical reasoningklinische Argumentation {f}
law close reasoninglückenlose Beweisführung {f}
deductive reasoningdeduktive Folgerung {f}
psych. deductive reasoningSchlussfolgern {n}
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