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English-German translation for: infantile
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Dictionary English German: infantile

Translation 1 - 46 of 46


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ADJ   infantile | more infantile | most infantile
SYNO   childish | infantile
ADJ  infantil | infantiler | am infantilsten
infantiler | infantile | infantiles
infantilster | infantilste | infantilstes
infantile {adj} [pej.] [childish]
kindisch [pej.]
infantile {adj}
infantile {adj}
unreif [Verhalten, Handlungen usw.]
infantile {adj}
infantil [frühkindlich; pej.: kindisch]
infantile {adj}
med. psych. infantile {adj}
2 Words: Others
med. psych. late infantile {adj}spätinfantil [im späten Kindesalter]
2 Words: Nouns
med. (infantile) colicSäuglingskolik {f} [ugs.] [exzessives Schreien im Säuglingsalter]
med. (infantile) convulsionsFraisen {pl} [österr.] [südd.]
med. (infantile) hemangioma [Am.] <IH>Erdbeerfleck {m} [ugs.] [Hämangiom, Blutschwamm]
med. cerebral palsy <CP>(infantile) Zerebralparese {f} <ICP, CP>
child sexualityinfantile Sexualität {f}
psych. childhood amnesiainfantile Amnesie {f}
med. infantile acne [Acne infantum, Acne infantilis]Kleinkindakne {f}
psych. infantile amnesiainfantile Amnesie {f}
infantile convulsionsKinderkrämpfe {pl}
med. infantile eczemaMilchschorf {m}
med. infantile eczemaSäuglingsekzem {n}
med. infantile eczema [atopic dermatitis]atopisches Ekzem {n} beim Kleinkind
med. infantile enteritisSäuglingsenteritis {f}
med. infantile esotropiafrühkindliches Einwärtsschielen {n}
med. infantile esotropiainfantile Esotropie {f}
med. infantile glaucomakindliches Glaukom {n}
med. infantile haemangioma [Br.] <IH>infantiles Hämangiom {n} <IH>
med. infantile hemangioma [Am.] <IH>infantiles Hämangiom {n} <IH>
med. infantile paralysisKinderlähmung {f}
med. infantile reflex [neonatal reflex]frühkindlicher Reflex {m}
med. infantile scurvySäuglingsskorbut {m}
med. infantile spasm [Spasmus nutans]Nickkrampf {m}
med. infantile spasms [West syndrome]infantile Spasmen {pl} [maligne Säuglingsepilepsie, West-Syndrom]
3 Words: Nouns
med. (infantile) cerebral palsyzerebrale Kinderlähmung {f}
feto-infantile mortalityfetoinfantile Sterblichkeit {f}
med. Galant's infantile reflexGalantreflex {m}
med. infantile brain damagefrühkindlicher Hirnschaden {m}
med. infantile cortical hyperostosisinfantile kortikale Hyperostose {f}
infantile death-rate [child death rate]Kindersterblichkeit {f}
med. infantile head circumferencekindlicher Kopfumfang {m}
med. infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy <INAD>infantile neuroaxonale Dystrophie {f} <INAD>
med. infantile nystagmus syndrome <INS>infantiles Nystagmussyndrom {n} <INS>
med. infantile seborrheic dermatitis [Am.]Kopfgneis {m} beim Kind [seborrhoisches Ekzem, seborrhoische Dermatitis]
med. seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis [Br.] [ICD-10]seborrhoisches Ekzem {n} der Kinder [ICD-10]
4 Words: Nouns
med. Calendar on infantile development [Br.]Entwicklungskalender {m}
med. dominant infantile optic atrophy <DIOA>dominante infantile Optikusatrophie {f} <DIOA>
med. early infantile epileptic encephalopathy <EIEE>frühinfantile epileptische Enzephalopathie {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
med. autosomal dominant infantile optic atrophy <ADOA>autosomal-dominante infantile Optikusatrophie {f} <ADOA>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F "Left-Wing" Communism, An Infantile Disorder [Vladimir I. Lenin]Der "linke Radikalismus", die Kinderkrankheit im Kommunismus
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Q 2015-02-19: What phantom word is +blunten / bluntened+ ? False / infantile analogy dra...
A 2014-03-27: parker11: mMn infantile Bevormundung des Bürgers

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