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English-German translation for: inflation
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Dictionary English German: inflation

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NOUN1   an inflation | inflations
NOUN2   inflation | -
SYNO   inflation | rising prices ... 
NOUN   die Inflation | die Inflationen
SYNO   Aufblähung der Geldmenge ... 
astron. econ. inflation
Inflation {f}
econ. inflation
Geldentwertung {f}
econ. inflation
Teuerung {f}
Aufblähung {f}
inflation [tyres, balloons etc.]
Befüllung {f}
boomflationInflation {f} bei Hochkonjunktur
deflationAbbau {m} der Inflation
econ. hyperinflationgaloppierende Inflation {f}
inflationInflationierung {f}
econ. inflationPreissteigerung {f}
2 Words: Others
econ. inflation-adjusted {adj}inflationsbereinigt
econ. inflation-prone {adj}inflationsanfällig
fin. inflation-proof {adj}inflationssicher
2 Words: Verbs
econ. to boost inflationdie Inflation anheizen
econ. to combat inflationdie Inflation bekämpfen
econ. to contain inflationdie Inflation aufhalten
econ. to contain inflationdie Inflation niedrig halten
econ. to contain inflationdie Inflation in Grenzen halten
econ. to control inflationdie Inflation dämpfen
econ. to correct inflationdie Inflation ausgleichen
econ. to curb inflationdie Inflation bremsen
econ. to fight inflationgegen die Inflation ankämpfen
econ. to halt inflationdie Inflation stoppen
fin. to inflation-proof sth.etw.Akk. vor Inflation schützen
econ. to tame inflationdie Inflation bremsen
2 Words: Nouns
absolute inflationabsolute Inflation {f}
bottleneck inflationsektorielle Inflation {f}
camouflaged inflationversteckte Inflation {f}
capped inflationfreier Druckaufbau {m}
econ. fin. pol. combating inflationInflationsbekämpfung {f}
fin. core inflationKerninflation {f}
astron. phys. cosmic inflationkosmologische Inflation {f}
astron. phys. cosmological inflationkosmologische Inflation {f}
creeping inflationkriechende Inflation {f}
creeping inflationschleichende Inflation {f}
econ. deflationary measuresMaßnahmen {pl} gegen die Inflation
demand inflationNachfrageinflation {f}
demand inflationNachfragezunahme {f}
disguised inflationversteckte Inflation {f}
econ. domestic inflationBinneninflation {f}
acad. educ. educational inflationBildungsinflation {f}
acad. educ. educational inflationInflation {f} der Bildung
expected inflationerwartete Inflation {f}
econ. fin. fighting inflationInflationsbekämpfung {f}
econ. galloping inflationgaloppierende Inflation {f}
educ. grade inflationNoteninflation {f}
econ. headline inflation [Am.] [as opposed to core inflation]Gesamtinflation {f} [einschließlich Preisveränderungen bei Lebensmitteln und Energie]
hidden inflationversteckte Inflation {f}
hydro-inflationFlüssigkeitsfüllung {f}
hydro-inflationWasserfüllung {f}
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A 2022-09-27: "I'm glad the biting inflation provides a golden opportunity to increase m...
A 2016-06-10: to do something to take account of (inflation, customer needs etc.)
Q 2016-04-15: "property-class named inflation-type"
A 2016-01-21: I'm not sure what you mean by +import inflation.+
Q 2016-01-21: inflation
A 2015-06-19: Die Schwerkraftwellen belegen die kosmische Inflation.
Q 2015-06-19: inflation
A 2015-05-12: Die beste Absicherung Ihres Geldes - auch gegen Inflation - sind nicht ...
Q 2015-05-12: money hedge or inflation hedge
Q 2012-07-27: "condition index of the independent variables" and "variance inflation factors"
Q 2011-11-05: Die Crux mit der Inflation von Anglizismen mit oder ohne Erklärung
A 2011-03-26: oder: ... than the leeway inflation rate and productivity growth endows
A 2010-02-26: Im Zuge der Inflation vielleicht 280.
A 2009-11-04: to reduce inflation, bring it back to acceptable levels
Q 2009-08-13: He did widen the lower-rate (20%) income-tax band by more than the inflati...
Q 2009-08-06: split inflation in the review terms
A 2009-04-29: Inflation, mein Freund!
Q 2008-12-21: look behind the 2pc - 3pc headline rate of inflation,....
A 2008-09-11: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22average+inflation+rate%22&btnG=G...
Q 2008-05-15: Reducing Inflation

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