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English-German translation for: inform
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Dictionary English German: inform

Translation 1 - 50 of 80  >>

English German
VERB  to inform | informed | informed ... 
to inform
to inform
to inform sb.
jdn. verständigen
to inform [inspire]
to inform sth. [pervade, be instilled in]
etw. prägen [fig.] [durchdringen]
to inform sb.
jdn. informieren
to inform sb.
jdn. benachrichtigen
philos. to inform [pervade, give essential features to]
to inform [animate]
to informBescheid geben
to informin Kenntnis setzen
to inform sb.jdn. in Kenntnis setzen
to inform sb. [verbally]jdm. Bescheid sagen [jdn. informieren]
2 Words: Verbs
to inform (sb.) about sth.(jdn.) von etw.Dat. unterrichten
to inform aboutinformieren über
to inform about sth.über etw. informieren
law to inform against sb.jdn. anzeigen
to inform against sb.jdn. denunzieren
to inform onbenachrichtigen über
to inform on [as an informer]denunzieren
to inform oneselfsich aufschlauen [ugs.]
to inform oneselfsich schlaumachen [ugs.]
to inform sb. about sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. aufklären [informieren]
to inform sb. about sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. instruieren [benachrichtigen]
to inform sb. about sth.jdn. von etw. benachrichtigen
to inform sb. of sth.jdm. etw. eröffnen [mitteilen]
to inform sb. of sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. belehren [informieren, aufklären]
to inform sb. of sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. benachrichtigen
to inform sb. of sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. informieren
to inform sb. of sth.jdn. über etw.Akk. orientieren [bes. schweiz.] [in Kenntnis setzen]
to inform sb. of sth.jdn. von etw. unterrichten
to inform sb. on sth. [furtively]jdm. etw. hinterbringen
to inform sb. thatjdn. benachrichtigen, dass
to inform sb. that ...jdm. mitteilen, dass ...
to inform sb. that ...jdn. informieren, dass ...
to inform with [animate]beseelen
to inform with [imbue]durchdringen
to inform with [impregnate]erfüllen [durchdringen]
3 Words: Verbs
to fail to informversäumen es anzuzeigen
to inform oneself about sth.sich über etw. unterrichten
to inform sb. in advancejdn. vorinformieren
to inform sb. of / about sth.jdn. von etw.Dat. in Kenntnis setzen
3 Words: Nouns
law duty to informAufklärungspflicht {f}
duty to informUnterrichtungspflicht {f}
law obligation to informAufklärungspflicht {f}
obligation to informBenachrichtigungspflicht {f}
obligation to informMeldepflicht {f}
4 Words: Others
I will inform you.Ich werde Sie informieren. [formelle Anrede]
I will inform you.Ich werde Ihnen Bescheid geben. [formelle Anrede]
I will inform you.Ich werde Ihnen Bescheid sagen. [formelle Anrede]
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A 2016-08-17: For all I know, a decision may be +informed+ or something (e.g. faith) may...
Q 2016-08-17: "To inform a decision"
A 2015-07-09: to inform measures
A 2015-07-09: to inform measures
Q 2015-07-09: to inform measures
Q 2015-03-12: einfügen (Datei in Verzeichnis) [Inform.]
A 2014-06-17: kindly inform us
A 2014-05-31: http://www.dict.cc/?s=inform
A 2014-01-21: to inform otherwise
A 2013-04-07: And who's going to inform all the assocations who don't know better of the...
Q 2013-04-04: to inform the development
A 2012-03-21: Not, of course, without promising to inform the university ...
A 2011-09-05: http://www.dict.cc/?s=inform
A 2011-06-26: Yes, I received it, too. Did you inform climatepatrol already?
Q 2011-06-21: 'could you please inform me of the nationalities of the people that I will...
A 2011-04-28: Variant: ... are intended to inform you ...
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A 2010-12-07: Is it really necessary by law or contract that you inform your landlord ab...
Q 2010-06-11: inform the row

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