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Dictionary English German: injection

Translation 1 - 50 of 250  >>

English German
NOUN1   an injection | injections
NOUN2   injection | -
SYNO   injection | shot | injectant ... 
tech. injection {adj}
Impfung {f}
med. injection
Spritze {f} [Injektion]
Einspritzung {f}
Injektion {f}
tech. injection
Eindüsung {f}
med. tech. VetMed. injectionInjizierung {f}
med. injectionJaukerl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Spritze]
hydro. injection [deep well]Verpressung {f}
hydro. injection [deep well]Versenkung {f} [Verpressung]
tech. injection [gas storage]Einpressung {f} [Einspeicherung bei Gastechnik]
math. injection [injective function]injektive Funktion {f}
engin. geol. injection [natural gas in geological layers]Einpressen {n} [in geologische Schichten; Gastechnik]
2 Words: Others
tech. injection-moulded {adj} [Br.]in Spritztechnik verarbeitet
2 Words: Nouns
air injectionLufteinblasung {f}
med. anaesthetic injection [Br.]Betäubungsspritze {f}
med. anesthetic injection [Am.]Betäubungsspritze {f}
electr. avalanche injectionAvalanche-Injektion {f}
med. bolus injectionBolusinjektion {f}
med. booster injectionAuffrischungsimpfung {f}
math. canonical injectionInklusionsabbildung {f}
fin. capital injectionKapitalspritze {f}
econ. fin. cash injectionFinanzspritze {f} [ugs.]
cash injectionGeldspritze {f}
cement injectionZementeinpressung {f}
coal injectionKohleeinblasung {f} [Hochofen]
med. collagen injectionKollagenunterspritzung {f}
contra-injectionGegeninjektion {f}
med. cortisone injectionKortisoninjektion {f}
credit injectionKreditspritze {f}
med. pharm. depot injectionDepotinjektion {f}
energy injectionEnergiezufuhr {f} [Energieeintrag]
med. fat injectionFettinjektion {f}
fertility injectionFruchtbarkeitsspritze {f}
econ. fin. financial injectionFinanzspritze {f} [ugs.]
med. first injectionErstinjektion {f} [erste Injektion]
automot. fuel injectionKraftstoffeinspritzung {f}
automot. fuel injection [gasoline/petrol engines]Benzineinspritzung {f}
gasoline injection [Am.]Benzineinspritzung {f}
med. hormone injectionHormonspritze {f}
med. injection anaesthesia [Br.]Injektionsanästhesie {f}
med. injection anesthesia [Am.]Injektionsanästhesie {f}
med. injection cannulaInjektionskanüle {f}
engin. injection capacity [natural gas storage]Einpressleistung {f} [Gastechnik]
electr. tools injection clampEinspeisezange {f}
tech. injection coolerEinspritzkühler {m} [Rauchgaswäsche]
med. tech. injection depthEinstichtiefe {f}
med. injection depthInjektionstiefe {f}
tech. injection equipmentEinspritzanlage {f}
tech. injection forceEinpresskraft {f}
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Q 2015-07-24: Patenttext über Abgasnachbehandlung (Abgabe Montag, 27.07.2015 um 14 Uhr -...
A 2014-10-27: I / We / They tried to find the injection volume with the lowest kindling point
A 2011-09-12: salt water injection
A 2011-06-19: So perhaps: polygonal cooling slide (injection moulding)
A 2010-07-05: Seems to be about injection-moulding, judging by this trilingual website:
A 2009-09-23: spotting the best (remaining) vein for a heroin injection
A 2008-08-31: My guess for injection is 'injection moulding > Spritzgussverfahren'
A 2008-08-31: Wie übersetzt man dann "Injection"?
Q 2008-08-31: punching injection
Q 2008-02-22: vascular injection bag ???
A 2008-01-30: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/intradermal+injection,+intracutaneous+injection
A 2007-08-15: I.M. injection
A 2007-04-20: talking about injection moulding, I think "mould insert" fits better.
A 2007-03-17: an *injection* needle?!
A 2007-03-17: Size of an injection needle would be a way of describing it
Q 2006-11-26: ?twin-bore? downdraft fuel injection gives awesome throttle response..
A 2006-10-25: ? injection elbows
A 2005-06-09: Start of injection
A 2005-04-26: injection mould
A 2005-04-26: Ohne irgendetwas davon zu verstehen > injection mould / mold (US)

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