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English-German translation for: ink-stained
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Dictionary English German: ink stained

Translation 1 - 50 of 293  >>

ink-stained {adj}tintenbefleckt
Partial Matches
stained {adj} {past-p}befleckt
stained {adj} {past-p}beschmutzt
stained {adj} {past-p}besudelt
stained {adj}fleckig
stained {adj} {past-p}gebeizt
sth. stainedetw. befleckte
blood-stained {adj}blutbefleckt
med. blood-stained {adj} {past-p}blutdurchsetzt
damp-stained {adj}muffig
dirt-stained {adj}schmutzig
grime-stained {adj}verdreckt [ugs.]
nicotine-stained {adj}nikotinverfärbt
paint-stained {adj}farbbekleckert
pit-stained {adj}mit Schweißflecken [nachgestellt] [unter den Achselhöhlen]
rust-stained {adj}rostfleckig
tear-stained {adj}tränenverschmiert
tear-stained {adj}verheult
tear-stained {adj}verweint
water-stained {adj}mit Feuchtigkeitsflecken [nachgestellt]
material stained glassbuntes Glas {n}
stained glassbuntes Kirchenfensterglas {n}
art stained glassBuntglas {n}
art stained glassFarbglas {n}
art stained glassfarbiges Glas {n}
heavily soup-stained {adj}voller Suppenflecken [nachgestellt]
blood-stained handkerchiefblutbeflecktes Taschentuch {n}
blood-stained handkerchiefblutiges Taschentuch {n} [ugs.]
art stained glass (picture)Glasgemälde {n}
archi. art jobs stained-glass artistGlasmaler {m}
art stained-glass makerGlasmaler {m}
art stained-glass window(bemaltes / farbiges) Glasfenster {n}
art stained-glass windowBuntglasfenster {n}
art stained-glass windowFenster {n} mit Glasbemalung
stained-glass windowsbunte Glasfenster {pl}
tobacco-stained fingersNikotinfinger {pl}
tobacco-stained fingersRaucherfinger {pl} [ugs.]
tear-stained {adj} [pillow, handkerchief]nass geweint
tear-stained {adj} [pillow, handkerchief]nassgeweint [alt]
archi. art jobs stained-glass artist [female]Glasmalerin {f}
art stained glass [coloured glass picture]Glasmalerei {f} [Bild]
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
art stained-glass window [of a church]Kirchenfenster {n}
lit. F A Stained White Radiance [James Lee Burke]Weißes Leuchten
to inkdie Tinte setzen unter [ugs.]
to inkunterzeichnen
inkDinte {f} [veraltet] [Tinte]
print inkDruckerschwärze {f}
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