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English-German translation for: insist
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Dictionary English German: insist

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
VERB  to insist | insisted | insisted ... 
SYNO   to assert | to insist | to importune ... 
to insist
bestehen [auf etw.]
to insist
to insist
insistieren [geh.]
to insistbeharrlich behaupten
2 Words
to insist on sth.auf etw.Akk. pochen [fig.] [energisch bestehen auf]
to insist on sth.auf etw. [Dat., selten Akk.] bestehen
to insist on sth.auf etw.Dat. beharren
to insist on sth.auf etw.Dat. insistieren [geh.]
to insist on sth.sichAkk. auf etw.Akk. kaprizieren [geh.] [eigensinnig auf etw. bestehen]
to insist upon sth.auf etw.Dat. beharren
3 Words
If you insist.Wenn du darauf bestehst.
to insist on (doing) sth.sichDat. etw. nicht nehmen lassen [fig.]
to insist on paymentauf Zahlung bestehen
to insist on qualityauf Qualität bestehen
to stubbornly insist on sth. [less usual also: to insist stubbornly on sth.]steif und fest auf etw.Dat. beharren
4 Words
I insist on obedience.Ich verlange Gehorsam.
to insist on doing sth. oneselfes sich nicht nehmen lassen, etw. zu tun
to insist on one's rightsauf sein Recht pochen
5+ Words
I insist on his coming.Ich bestehe darauf, dass er kommt.
to insist on having one's wayauf seinem Willen bestehen
to insist that it's time to leavezum Aufbruch mahnen [Person]
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Q 2019-01-16: Was machen wir mit dem gelöschten "to insist upon sth." ?
A 2017-08-09: Thank you guys ! Sorry to insist but...
A 2015-08-14: I Insist on you paying...oder...I insist that you pay...
Q 2015-08-14: insist
A 2012-02-21: 3 Our new boss did not insist *on* the new logo (that) an agency had desig...
Q 2011-08-14: They insist that wages be set based on what the protesters think people de...
A 2010-08-28: (they insist on) her being seen = that she should be seen
A 2010-07-06: I insist on +Waschraum+ :))
A 2010-07-06: I insist on "Waschküche".
A 2010-05-08: Where are the bra burners who insist on +he / she who whispers lies?+
A 2010-02-05: if you insist
A 2009-02-11: Hey I insist on being lowercase. Part of the branding you know. Basic imag...
A 2008-08-20: well, what can I say...I bow to my helpful friends ...if you insist :-)
A 2008-06-15: stands by what the report states, ... insist on our own interpretations
A 2008-06-15: just a mo...bestehen auf is indeed insist on but can they insist on Ausfüh...
A 2008-06-15: auf etw. bestehen: to insist on
A 2008-05-19: we must insist on immediate collection due to our limited stock capacity.
A 2008-04-22: Typo: insist +on+
A 2007-11-15: @ Joanne: have you seen Google's failiure on that subject? They insist in ...
A 2007-10-26: sorry to insist, rt, but 'ich will, so gott will' is a phrase of luther's day,

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