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English-German translation for: insolvency
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Dictionary English German: insolvency

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
NOUN   an insolvency | insolvencies
Insolvenz {f}
Zahlungsunfähigkeit {f}
fin. insolvency
Konkurs {m}
2 Words: Nouns
absolute insolvencyabsolute Insolvenz {f}
law imminent insolvencydrohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit {f}
insolvency administratorInsolvenzverwalter {m}
insolvency administrator [Br.]Zwangsverwalter {m}
insolvency applicationInsolvenzantrag {m}
law insolvency courtInsolvenzgericht {n}
law insolvency creditorInsolvenzgläubiger {m}
econ. fin. law insolvency estateInsolvenzmasse {f}
fin. insolvency insuranceInsolvenzsicherung {f}
law insolvency judge [rare]Konkursrichter {m}
law insolvency lawInsolvenzrecht {n}
econ. fin. insolvency planInsolvenzplan {m}
insolvency practitionerInsolvenzverwalter {m}
jobs insolvency practitionerKonkursverwalter {m} [Richtlinie 92/51/EWG]
law insolvency proceedings {pl}Insolvenzverfahren {n}
fin. insolvency protectionInsolvenzschutz {m}
travel insolvency protection [for travellers, in the event of insolvency of a tourism service provider]Kundengeldabsicherung {f}
fin. insolvency riskIlliquiditätsrisiko {n}
insolvency riskZahlungsunfähigkeitsrisiko {n}
law Insolvency StatuteInsolvenzordnung {f}
law personal insolvencyPrivatinsolvenz {f}
fin. technical insolvencytechnische Insolvenz {f}
fin. technical insolvencytechnische Zahlungsunfähigkeit {f}
3 Words: Verbs
econ. fin. to fall into insolvencyin Insolvenz geraten
econ. law to file for insolvencyInsolvenz beantragen [Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens stellen]
econ. to file for insolvencyeinen Insolvenzantrag stellen
3 Words: Nouns
declaration of insolvencyKonkurserklärung {f}
law German Insolvency CodeInsolvenzordnung {f} <InsO> [Deutschland]
proof of insolvencyNachweis {m} der Insolvenz
law receiver in insolvencyInsolvenzverwalter {m}
4 Words: Others
at risk of insolvency {adj} [postpos.]insolvenzgefährdet
4 Words: Nouns
law delayed filing of insolvencyInsolvenzverschleppung {f}
law opening of insolvency proceedingsInsolvenzeröffnungsverfahren {n}
5+ Words: Others
law The initiation of insolvency proceedings has been denied for lack of sufficient assets.Die Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens wurde mangels Masse abgelehnt.
law The signatory was appointed receiver in insolvency.Der Unterzeichner wurde zum Insolvenzverwalter bestellt.
5+ Words: Verbs
econ. law to file a petition in insolvencyeinen Konkursantrag stellen
5+ Words: Nouns
law application to open insolvency proceedingsAntrag {m} auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens
law insolvency proceedings {pl} with regard to the estateNachlassinsolvenzverfahren {n}
law request for the opening of insolvency proceedingsAntrag {m} auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens
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A 2015-02-19: Btw: Insolvency is way more than a liquidity problem. (Call a spade a spade!)
A 2014-09-08: (insolvency) administrator?
Q 2014-09-08: EU English needed for *Sachwalter* Context: German insolvency law - ESUG, ...
A 2011-09-16: enter in the insolvency table
Q 2011-03-04: insolvency risk
A 2011-01-20: German insolvency rules.
A 2010-02-09: duty to file for insolvency
A 2010-02-09: obligation to file one's insolvency petition
A 2010-02-09: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22sale+by+private+tr...
A 2009-06-05: As to defects, in principle the Insolvency Administrator is not obliged to...
Q 2009-05-04: be not entitled to intiate or join any person in initiating an Insolvency ...
Q 2009-04-28: insolvency official
A 2008-08-29: cause for +instituting+ insolvency proceedings?
A 2008-08-29: cause for opening insolvency proceedings?
A 2008-08-08: Typos: almost +faced with+ insolvency / one of 3 new +customers+ / a large...
A 2008-07-26: insolvency administration
A 2008-06-17: oder auch: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22institution+of+insolvenc...
A 2008-06-17: Yes, it is to +commence / initiate / begin insolvency proceedings+
Q 2008-04-30: tricky question: anfechtungsgegner (insolvency law) - contesting party?
A 2008-01-31: einfach 'state' found to be in a state of insolvency

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