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English-German translation for: inspector
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Dictionary English German: inspector

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NOUN   an inspector | inspectors
SYNO   examiner | inspector
jobs inspector [police]
Kommissar {m}
Kontrolleur {m}
Inspektor {m}
Prüfer {m}
jobs law inspector [police]
Kommissär {m} [schweiz.]
jobs inspector [female] [police]
Kommissarin {f}
Aufseher {m} [Kontrolleur]
inspectorBeschauer {m}
jobs mil. inspectorInspekteur {m}
tech. inspectorPrüfperson {f}
jobs mil. inspector [female]Inspekteurin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
acceptance inspectorAbnahmeprüfer {m}
mil. arms inspectorWaffeninspekteur {m}
jobs building inspectorBauinspektor {m}
admin. constr. jobs building inspector [female]Bauinspektorin {f}
FoodInd. jobs cheese inspectorKäseprüfer {m}
jobs chief inspectorHauptkommissar {m}
jobs chief inspectorOberinspektor {m} <Ob.-Insp.>
jobs chief inspectorleitender Inspektor {m}
jobs customs inspectorZollinspektor {m}
jobs detective inspector <DI> [esp. Br.] [police]Polizeikommissar {m} [ungefähre Entsprechung in Deutschland]
sports disciplinary inspector [UEFA]Disziplinarinspektor {m} [UEFA]
jobs district inspectorRayonsinspektor {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
jobs factory inspectorFabrikinspektor {m}
ind. jobs factory inspectorWerksinspektor {m}
ind. jobs factory inspector [female]Fabrikinspektorin {f}
ind. jobs factory inspector [female]Werksinspektorin {f}
hort. garden inspectorGarteninspektor {m}
EU jobs QM GMP inspectorGMP-Inspektor {m}
mil. Inspector GeneralGeneralinspekteur {m}
insur. insurance inspectorVersicherungsinspektor {m}
QM lead inspectorInspektionsleitung {f} [Person]
FoodInd. meat inspectorFleischbeschauer {m}
mining mining inspectorBergbauinspektor {m}
rail movements inspectorFahrdienstleiter {m}
jobs parking inspector [female]Politesse {f}
jobs police inspectorKriminalhauptmeister {m}
jobs police inspectorPolizeiinspektor {m}
jobs police inspectorPolizeikommissar {m}
comm. jobs naut. port inspector [controlling the quality of merchandise]Küper {m} [veraltet] [Warenkontrolleur]
jobs sports referee inspectorSchiedsrichterbeobachter {m}
educ. jobs school inspectorSchulinspektor {m}
educ. jobs schools inspectorSchulrat {m}
educ. jobs schools inspector [female]Schulrätin {f}
jobs senior inspectorOberinspektor {m}
jobs rail station inspectorBahnhofsaufseher {m} [Bahnhofsinspektor]
fin. jobs tax inspectorSteuerinspektor {m}
fin. jobs tax inspectorSteuerprüfer {m}
fin. jobs tax inspector [female]Steuerinspektorin {f}
fin. jobs tax inspector [female]Steuerprüferin {f}
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A 2019-07-10: MICHELIN Guide restaurant inspector
A 2016-11-28: Perhaps he was the inspector when he acknowledged the existence of the permit,
Q 2016-11-27: ex-inspector?
A 2011-04-10: Bergrat > inspector of mines; Oberbergrat > senior inspector of mines; (no...
A 2011-02-02: OIG = Office of the Inspector General
A 2010-11-06: Should be IG's investigations ( IG = Inspector General. Most likely the CI...
A 2010-03-14: Food inspector
A 2010-03-13: After the event, a +faeces inspector+ might come in handy
A 2010-03-13: Yes, I think zou's "food inspector" is a good catch-all for all these folk...
A 2009-12-10: DI - Defence Intelligence / Department of the Interior / Detective Inspect...
A 2009-08-25: verfaulter Apfelsinenverkäufer, stinkender Käsehändler, insanitary kitchen...
Q 2009-06-02: Engineering Inspector
A 2008-11-08: ..wobei eigentlich 'inspector' passen koennte
A 2008-11-08: profitability inspector ?
Q 2008-08-07: Good Stuff: Secunia Online Software Inspector
Q 2007-09-27: health inspector
A 2007-04-06: Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector
A 2006-06-08: car inspector
A 2006-04-06: chief-inspector
A 2006-04-06: inspector / detective inspector

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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