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English-German translation for: inspiration
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Dictionary English German: inspiration

Translation 1 - 27 of 27


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NOUN1   inspiration | -
NOUN2   an inspiration | inspirations
SYNO   inspiration | stirring | brainchild ... 
NOUN   die Inspiration | die Inspirationen
SYNO   [plötzliche] Erkenntnis | Anregung ... 
Eingebung {f}
Inspiration {f}
Erleuchtung {f}
Inspiration {f}
med. inspiration [of breath]
Einatmung {f}
Beseeltheit {f} [fig.] [von einem Gedanken]
med. inspiration
Inhalation {f}
inspirationBeseeltsein {n} [fig.]
med. inspiration [of breath]Einziehen {n} der Luft
2 Words
to support inspirationder Inspiration dienen
bibl. relig. plenary inspirationPlenarinspiration {f}
sudden inspirationGedankenblitz {m}
sudden inspirationGeistesblitz {m}
relig. verbal inspirationVerbalinspiration {f}
3 Words
relig. doctrine of inspirationInspirationslehre {f}
flash of inspirationGeistesblitz {m}
fountain of inspirationInspirationsquelle {f}
moment of inspirationschöpferischer Augenblick {m}
source of inspirationInspirationsquelle {f}
4 Words
to be the inspiration for sth.bei etw.Dat. Pate stehen [fig.]
to draw (one's) inspiration from sb./sth.sich von jdm./etw. inspirieren lassen
to get one's inspiration from sb./sth.sichAkk. von jdm./etw. inspirieren lassen
to serve as an inspirationals Inspiration dienen
hist. relig. Society of True Inspiration [Amana Church Society]Gemeinde {f} der wahren Inspiration
the source of inspirationdie Quelle {f} der Inspiration
5+ Words
med. at the end of inspirationam Ende der Einatmung
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Inspiration [Clarence Brown]Yvonne
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A 2021-04-26: etwa: beacon of inspiration
A 2021-03-08: What about +inspiration instead of mere entertainment+
A 2017-09-29: Stein + Inspiration >> Steinspiration
A 2017-09-29: It's a made up word, a mixture of inspiration and rock(s).
A 2016-11-10: +inspiration:+ usage
A 2015-03-12: Inspiration stimulates people's aspirations.
A 2014-12-03: some inspiration ...
A 2013-07-20: You could try using more modern translations/versions of the Bible as insp...
A 2013-06-20: Danke für die Inspiration, parker!
A 2012-07-25: Danke für die Inspiration - die Menschen erstrahlen ?
A 2012-06-27: Thanks - My latest inspiration: Aussöhnung!
A 2012-05-26: Des Menschen Inspiration, welche Schönheit, wie die Religion doch zu ihrem...
Q 2012-03-16: to inspire inspiration
A 2011-10-14: For inspiration - http://www.dict.cc/?s=off+the+hook
A 2011-08-31: Schritt! - Danke für die Inspiration
Q 2011-05-13: inspiration
A 2011-05-06: The Agnus Dei might have served as inspiration:
A 2011-01-21: Aufgetischt: Die Inspiration
A 2010-12-25: Draw contagious inspiration from ...
A 2010-12-03: ah..... als leibhaftige Vorlage gedient zu haben! Thanks for the inspirati...

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