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Dictionary English German: instance

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
NOUN   an instance | instances
VERB  to instance | instanced | instanced ... 
SYNO   to exemplify | to illustrate ... 
to instance sth.
etw. anführen
to instance sb./sth.jdn./etw. als Beispiel anführen
Beispiel {n}
Gelegenheit {f}
instance [case]
Fall {m} [Sachverhalt]
Instanz {f}
Exemplar {n}
Vorgang {m} [Vorfall]
instance [evidence]
Beleg {m}
instance [archaic] [urgency]
Dringlichkeit {f} [in Sprache, Verhalten]
Inkarnation {f}
2 Words: Others
law first-instance {adj}erstinstanzlich
for instance {adv}etwa [beispielsweise]
for instance {adv} <f.i.>beispielhalber
for instance {adv} <f.i.>beispielshalber
for instance {adv} <f.i.>beispielsweise <bspw.>
for instance {adv} <f.i.>zum Beispiel <z. B.>
for instance {adv} <f.i.>zum Exempel [veraltend]
2 Words: Nouns
law appellate instanceBerufungsinstanz {f}
law court instanceGerichtsinstanz {f}
comp. default instanceStandardinstanz {f}
for instance [coll.]Beispiel {n}
comp. instance methodInstanzenmethode {f}
comp. instance nameInstanzname {m}
comp. instance variableInstanzenvariable {f}
comp. instance variableInstanzvariable {f}
single instanceeinzelnes Vorkommnis {n}
singular instanceEinzelfall {m}
3 Words: Others
as for instance {conj}wie zum Beispiel <z. B.>
law at first instance {adv}erstinstanzlich
at first instance {adv}in erster Instanz
in each instance {adv}in jedem Fall
in either instance {adv}in beiden Fällen
in this instance {adv}in diesem Fall
3 Words: Nouns
an instance of ...ein Fall {m} von [+Dat.] [ein Beispiel für]
each single instancejeder einzelne Vorfall {m}
4 Words: Others
as an instance of sth. {adv}als ein Fall von etw.Dat.
at the instance ofauf Veranlassung von
at the instance ofaus Anlass von
at the instance of sb. {adv}auf jds. Veranlassung
in the first instance {adv}zuallererst
in the first instance {adv}zunächst
in the first instance {adv}zunächst einmal
in the first instance {adv}an erster Stelle [am Anfang]
law in the first instance {adv}in erster Instanz
in the first instance {adv}in erster Linie
in the present instance {adv}im vorliegenden Fall
4 Words: Verbs
to adduce sb./sth. as an instancejdn./etw. als Beispiel anführen
to give sb. a for instance [coll.]jdm. ein Beispiel geben
4 Words: Nouns
law court of first instanceErstgericht {n}
instance of bad tasteBeispiel {n} schlechten Geschmacks
instance to the contraryBeispiel {n} für das Gegenteil
law procedure at first instanceerstinstanzliches Verfahren {n}
5+ Words: Others
law at the court of first instance {adv} [Br.]im ersten Rechtszug
5+ Words: Nouns
an instance of sb.'s quintessential bad tasteein Beispiel {n} für jds. von Grund auf schlechten Geschmack
court of the first instanceGericht {n} der ersten Instanz
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A 2024-10-21: A crass instance of the etymological fallacy would be to restrict the mean...
A 2023-03-29: +Geschichtle+ might well be worth an entry if you also include, for instan...
A 2023-01-03: ... for instance in the UK
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A 2022-04-14: Different kinds of sport should be clearly discernible, for instance in te...
A 2017-09-28: es: nominative, Julia: dative For instance: Etwas schmeckt mir gut oder we...
A 2017-07-31: Difference: +was wenn+ is an instance of ellipsis / verkürzter Ausdruck
A 2017-07-31: You have hit on a classic: an instance of +hypercorrection+ (native speake...
A 2017-06-17: For instance, +text supplement must be dealt with+ (rather than ignoring it)
A 2016-12-16: Also: that the city is much livelier than for instance ten years ago
A 2016-12-11: For instance
A 2016-02-05: +For instance+ is a little odd here.
A 2015-12-23: Yes, that is an instance when breathe is translated by einatmen.
A 2015-10-22: If for instance politicians are being rubbished for inaction, the +getan w...
A 2015-06-02: Or perhaps: this instance of humans wanting to rise (in the hierarchy)
A 2015-06-02: instance
A 2014-09-30: In England, there is for instance Little Woodham; so on analogy, +Stroha m...
A 2014-09-09: For instance +sb was in panic mode+ etc.
A 2013-09-09: .... (for instance), where everyone has got a different idea (about it). ...
A 2013-03-23: @Michael Ride the plane train at Hartsfield-Jackson, for instance.

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