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English-German translation for: instinct
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Dictionary English German: instinct

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NOUN1   an instinct | instincts
NOUN2   instinct | -
SYNO   instinct | replete | inherent aptitude ... 
psych. instinct
Trieb {m}
Spürsinn {m} [fig.]
Instinkt {m}
instinct [tact]
Fingerspitzengefühl {n}
2 Words: Others
by instinct {adv}gefühlsmäßig
by instinct {adv}instinktiv
by instinct {adv}nach Gefühl
from instinct {adv}instinktiv
instinct with sth. {adj} [e.g. with passion, creativity] [postpos.]erfüllt von etw.Dat.
on instinct {adv}instinktiv
2 Words: Nouns
(natural) instinctNaturtrieb {m} [veraltend]
psych. aggressive instinctAggressionstrieb {m}
biol. basic instinctUrinstinkt {m}
biol. basic instinctUrtrieb {m}
psych. death instinctTodestrieb {m}
biol. zool. feeding instinctFresstrieb {m}
flight instinctFluchtinstinkt {m}
sports goalscoring instinctTorriecher {m} [Sportjargon]
guarding instinctWachinstinkt {f}
gut instinctBauchgefühl {n}
psych. sociol. herd instinctGruppentrieb {m} [Herdentrieb]
herd instinctHerdeninstinkt {m}
herd instinctHerdentrieb {m}
zool. homing instinctHeimfindevermögen {n}
zool. hunting instinctJagdinstinkt {m}
zool. hunting instinctJagdtrieb {m}
imitative instinctNachahmungstrieb {m}
psych. instinct suppressionTriebunterdrückung {f}
killer instinctKillerinstinkt {m}
killer instinctTötungsinstinkt {m}
psych. life instinctLebenstrieb {m}
maternal instinctMutterinstinkt {m}
zool. migratory instinctWandertrieb {m}
psych. zool. mother instinctMutterinstinkt {m}
biol. motherly instinctMutterinstinkt {m}
orn. nesting instinctNestbauinstinkt {m}
nesting instinctNesttrieb {m}
orn. nesting instinctNistinstinkt {m}
play instinctSpieltrieb {m}
predatory instinctRaubtierinstinkt {m}
biol. primal instinctUrinstinkt {m}
biol. primary instinctUrinstinkt {m}
psych. protective instinctBeschützerinstinkt {m}
biol. reproductive instinctFortpflanzungsinstinkt {m}
biol. reproductive instinctFortpflanzungstrieb {m}
med. VetMed. sexual instinct [Nisus sexualis]Geschlechtstrieb {m}
social instinctGesellschaftstrieb {m}
sure instinctFingerspitzengefühl {n}
psych. survival instinctSelbsterhaltungstrieb {m}
survival instinctÜberlebensinstinkt {m}
survival instinctÜberlebenstrieb {m}
unerring instinctsicherer Instinkt {m}
3 Words: Nouns
biol. psych. concept of instinctInstinktbegriff {m}
psych. extinct by instinctAussterben {n} durch Instinkt
instinct for survivalÜberlebenstrieb {m}
psych. instinct of destructionDestruktionstrieb {m}
relig. instinct of faithGlaubenssinn {m}
biol. self-preservation instinctSelbsterhaltungstrieb {m}
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to decide sth. according to instinctetw. aus dem Bauch heraus entscheiden
to decide sth. with gut instinctetw. aus dem Bauch heraus entscheiden
to have an instinct for sth.eine feine Nase für etw.Akk. haben [fig.]
4 Words: Nouns
biol. instinct of self-preservationSelbsterhaltungstrieb {m}
5+ Words: Verbs
to be based on (a) gut feeling / instinctauf (jds.) Bauchgefühl beruhen
idiom to have an unerring instinct (for ...)instinktsicher sein (, was ... angeht / betrifft)
5+ Words: Nouns
instinct for sensing people's weaknessesSpürsinn {m} für die Schwächen anderer Menschen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Basic Instinct [Paul Verhoeven]Basic Instinct
lit. F The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language [Steven Pinker]Der Sprachinstinkt. Wie der Geist die Sprache bildet.
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A 2022-11-17: Not infallible instinct
A 2015-09-30: So, by instinct, Catwoman (13:13) plumped for the right solution
A 2015-08-12: hunting instinct ist Jagdinstinkt.
A 2015-08-12: Hunting instinct?
A 2015-01-18: The +drum major instinct+ has a certain currency among intellectuals
Q 2015-01-18: "drum major instinct"
A 2011-01-28: romy confirms my experience and my instinct
A 2010-05-10: instinct = not Gefühl .... / ... Holz oder Metallverarbeitung .... - wie ...
Q 2010-01-04: the gag instinct of revulsion
A 2009-06-24: My instinct would be:
A 2009-02-26: I Stück Zwiebel vielleicht. A piece of onion? I'd ignore it and get on wit...
A 2008-04-03: Although she knows it may be hopeless, she controls her instinct
A 2007-08-15: sure instinct
A 2007-02-08: instinct art?
A 2006-11-27: agree: sure instinct
A 2006-11-27: a strong instinct
A 2006-11-27: an infallible instinct
A 2006-11-27: a sure instinct
A 2006-07-12: a method (rational analysis) cannot have an instinct or not, I think
A 2006-07-12: to have an instinct for s.th

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