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English-German translation for: instructor
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Dictionary English German: instructor

Translation 1 - 50 of 96  >>


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NOUN   an instructor | instructors
SYNO   instructor | teacher
Ausbilder {m} [bes.: mil.]
educ. jobs instructor
Lehrer {m}
Unterrichtender {m}
Ausbildner {m} [österr.] [Ausbilder]
Instrukteur {m}
educ. jobs instructorInstruktor {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
educ. jobs theatre acting instructorSchauspiellehrer {m}
educ. jobs theatre acting instructor [female]Schauspiellehrerin {f}
educ. jobs sports aikido instructorAikidolehrer {m}
educ. jobs sports aikido instructor [female]Aikidolehrerin {f}
jobs sports assistant instructorAssistenztrainer {m}
bushcraft instructorÜberlebenstrainer {m}
educ. jobs classroom instructorKlassenlehrperson {f} [schweiz.]
climbing jobs climbing instructorKletterlehrer {m}
educ. course instructorKursleiter {m}
educ. course instructor [female]Kursleiterin {f}
dance educ. jobs dance instructorTanzlehrer {m}
dancing instructorTanzlehrer {m}
dance educ. jobs dancing instructor [female]Tanzlehrerin {f}
educ. jobs sports diving instructorTauchlehrer {m}
educ. jobs sports diving instructor [female]Tauchlehrerin {f}
jobs dog instructorHundeerzieher {m}
educ. theatre drama instructorSchauspiellehrer {m}
educ. jobs theatre drama instructor [female]Schauspiellehrerin {f}
art educ. drawing instructorZeichenlehrer {m}
automot. jobs traffic driving instructorFahrlehrer {m}
jobs driving instructorFahrschullehrer {m}
jobs driving instructor [female]Fahrlehrerin {f}
jobs driving instructor [female]Fahrschullehrerin {f}
educ. jobs ling. English instructorEnglischlehrer {m}
exercise instructorÜbungsleiter {m}
jobs sports fitness instructorFitnesstrainer {m}
jobs sports fitness instructor [female]Fitnesstrainerin {f}
aviat. educ. jobs flight instructorFluglehrer {m}
aviat. flying instructorFluglehrer {m}
aviat. educ. jobs flying instructor [female]Fluglehrerin {f}
jobs sports golf instructorGolflehrer {m}
jobs sports golf instructor [female]Golflehrerin {f}
jobs sports gym instructorFitnesslehrer {m}
jobs sports gym instructorFitnesstrainer {m}
jobs sports gym instructor [female]Fitnesstrainerin {f}
jobs head instructorHead-Instructor {m} [auch: Head Instructor]
educ. jobs sports judo instructorJudolehrer {m}
educ. jobs sports judo instructor [female]Judolehrerin {f}
jobs sports karate instructorKaratelehrer {m}
educ. jobs sports karate instructor [female]Karatelehrerin {f}
sports kendo instructorKendolehrer {m}
educ. jobs sports kendo instructor [female]Kendolehrerin {f}
FireResc jobs paramedic instructorLehrrettungsassistent {m}
educ. jobs sports PE instructorSportlehrer {m}
» See 6 more translations for instructor within comments
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Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
Search time: 0.013 sec

A 2015-07-09: a lecturer-cum-instructor
A 2011-10-02: Thx for your efforts! But I see the problem a bit different, because the i...
Q 2011-10-02: A critical information by a pupil to an instructor of an English conversat...
A 2009-10-12: qualified instructor
A 2009-05-26: Instructor für Ausbilder
Q 2009-05-26: Instructor für Ausbilder
A 2009-01-29: instructor ...?
A 2008-08-06: How about: "Professional Training as a Ski Instructor" ?
A 2008-08-06: think I got it.. -- how does "certified skiing instructor" sound?
A 2007-04-12: instructor for back-specific exercises?
A 2007-04-07: instructor for works security, it's that?
A 2006-10-03: R.S. was her instructor / instructed by
A 2004-12-16: Instructor training maybe?

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instruct sb. to do sth.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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