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English-German translation for: instrumental
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Dictionary English German: instrumental

Translation 1 - 41 of 41


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ADJ   instrumental | more instrumental | most instrumental
SYNO   implemental | instrumental ... 
ADJ  instrumental | - | - ... 
NOUN1   der Instrumental | die Instrumentale
NOUN2   das Instrumental | die Instrumentals
instrumental {adj}
instrumental {adj} [role]
instrumental {adj} [to]
dienlich [+Dat.]
instrumental {adj} [to]
förderlich [+Dat.]
instrumental {adj}
mus. instrumentally {adv}
instrumental {adj}instrumentell
instrumental {adj}als Mittel dienend
mus. instrumental
Instrumentalstück {n}
ling. instrumentalInstrumental {m} [Kasus bzw. Wort in diesem Kasus]
mus. instrumentalInstrumental {n}
2 Words: Nouns
mus. instrumental accompanimentInstrumentalbegleitung {f}
psych. instrumental aggressioninstrumentelle Aggression {f}
ling. instrumental caseInstrumental {m} [Kasus]
ling. instrumental caseInstrumentalis {m}
philos. relig. instrumental causeInstrumentalursache {f}
mus. instrumental composerInstrumentalkomponist {m}
mus. instrumental compositionInstrumentalwerk {n}
mus. instrumental compositionsInstrumentalkompositionen {pl}
psych. instrumental conditioninginstrumentelle Konditionierung {f}
tech. tools instrumental errorGerätefehler {m}
tech. tools instrumental errorInstrumentenfehler {m}
tech. instrumental error [error due to faults arising in a measuring instrument]Messgerätefehler {m}
econ. fin. instrumental lagDurchführungsverzögerung {f}
mus. instrumental musicInstrumentalmusik {f}
mus. instrumental musicianInstrumentalmusiker {m}
jobs mus. instrumental musician [female]Instrumentalmusikerin {f}
instrumental orientationZweckorientiertheit {f}
mus. instrumental passageInstrumentalpassage {f}
educ. mus. instrumental pedagogics [treated as sg.]Instrumentalpädagogik {f}
ling. instrumental phonetics [treated as sg.]Instrumentalphonetik {f}
sociol. instrumental rationalityZweckrationalität {f}
mus. instrumental trainingInstrumentalausbildung {f}
mus. instrumental versionInstrumentalversion {f}
mus. instrumental workInstrumentalwerk {n}
3 Words: Nouns
aviat. instrumental approach procedure <IAP>Instrumentenanflugsverfahren {n}
med. instrumental vaginal birthvaginal-operative Geburt {f}
med. instrumental vaginal deliveryvaginal-operative Entbindung {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to be instrumental in doing sth.bei etw.Dat. entscheidend mitwirken
to be instrumental in doing sth.an etw.Dat. maßgeblich beteiligt sein
4 Words: Nouns
phys. instrumental neutron activation analysis <INAA>instrumentelle Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse {f} <INAA>
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Q 2014-02-17: Hospitation im Instrumental - und Gesangsunterricht (Lehrpraxis)
A 2011-02-07: instrumental IN
A 2011-02-07: You could say: were instrumental
A 2009-12-29: @ Hans: That's my point, precisely. I refuse to be instrumental in these s...
A 2008-05-18: As a rule, metrological detection requires very high instrumental and math...
A 2008-04-23: instrumental figures/individuals in the clusters
A 2007-10-22: instrumental
Q 2007-10-22: to be instrumental
A 2007-08-09: Here is a great instrumental version of the song:
A 2007-05-28: instrumental IN bringing, nicht IS
Q 2007-05-27: NHL Breakout tournaments have been instrumental is bringing the organized ...
A 2006-11-06: In Berlin there is no end of them / no end of problems, but the whole Ruhr...
A 2005-10-18: instrumental for (to?) the function

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