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English-German translation for: insurance company
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Dictionary English German: insurance company

Translation 1 - 50 of 2325  >>

NOUN   an insurance company | insurance companies
SYNO   insurance company | insurance firm ... 
insur. insurance (company)Versicherer {m} [Versicherungsgesellschaft, Versicherungsunternehmen]
econ. insur. insurance companyAssekuranz {f}
insur. insurance companyVersicherung {f}
insur. insurance companyVersicherungsanstalt {f}
insur. insurance companyVersicherungsfirma {f}
insur. insurance companyVersicherungsgesellschaft {f}
insur. insurance companyVersicherungsträger {m}
insur. insurance companyVersicherungsunternehmen {n}
insur. insurance companyVersicherungsverein {m}
Keywords contained
insur. accident insurance companyUnfallversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
stocks bond insurance companyAnleihenversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
insur. captive insurance companyunternehmenseigene Versicherungsgesellschaft {f}
insur. company medical insuranceBetriebskrankenversicherung {f}
insur. credit insurance companyKreditversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
insur. credit insurance companyKreditversicherungsunternehmen {n}
insur. fire insurance companyFeuerversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
insur. insurance company representativeVersicherungsvertreter {m}
insur. life insurance companyLebensversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
fin. insur. monoline insurance companyAnleiheversicherer {m}
fin. insur. monoline insurance companyMonoliner {m} [Anleiheversicherer]
insur. mutual insurance companyVersicherungsverein {m} auf Gegenseitigkeit
law title insurance companyRechtstitelversicherung {f}
insur. medical insurance company [statutory]Krankenkasse {f}
med. company health insurance fundsBetriebskrankenkasse {f} <BKK>
insur. joint-stock insurance companyVersicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft {f}
insur. public health insurance companyKrankenkassa {f} [österr.]
insur. regional medical insurance (company)Gebietskrankenkasse {f} <GKK> [österr.]
insur. letter from the insurance companyVersicherungsschreiben {n}
insur. property and casualty insurance companyKompositversicherer {m} [Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherungsunternehmen]
issued by the insurance company {adj} [postpos.]von der Versicherung ausgestellt
sth. must be issued by the insurance companyetw. muss vom Versicherer ausgestellt sein
Partial Matches
insur. difference in conditions insurance <DIC insurance>Konditionsdifferenzversicherung {f}
econ. insur. insuranceAssekuranz {f}
insur. insuranceVersicherung {f}
to accept insuranceVersicherung übernehmen
insur. to cover insuranceeine Versicherung abschließen
insur. to cover insuranceVersicherung decken
to obtain insuranceeine Versicherungsdeckung beschaffen
insur. (insurance) policyPolizze {f} [österr.]
insur. (insurance) policyVersicherungspolizze {f} [österr.]
insur. (insurance) poolVersicherungsgemeinschaft {f} [Pool]
insur. accident insurancegewerbliche Unfallversicherung {f}
insur. accident insuranceUnfallschutz {m}
insur. accident insuranceUnfallversicherung {f}
insur. additional insurancezusätzliche Versicherung {f}
insur. additional insuranceZusatzversicherung {f}
insur. adjustable insuranceanpassbare Versicherung {f}
insur. adjustable insuranceoffene Versicherung {f}
agr. insur. agricultural insurancelandwirtschaftliche Versicherung {f}
insur. air insuranceLuftfrachtversicherung {f}
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A 2019-08-18: electronic message to insurance company
A 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
A 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
A 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
Q 2019-08-17: electronic mesage to insurance company
Q 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
Q 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
A 2017-08-17: The "Rückversicherer" ist the insurance company's insurance company.
A 2013-11-29: Apply for matured life insurance policies to be paid out with the insuranc...
A 2012-02-11: it shows the department of an insurance company the letter is from
A 2009-07-03: The insurance company will make the compensation payment tomorrow
Q 2007-01-10: What is the senior market? (Insurance company wrote this...:)

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