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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: insure one's life
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Dictionary English German: insure one's life

Translation 1 - 50 of 33628  >>

Keywords contained
insur. to insure one's lifesein Leben versichern
Partial Matches
all one's life {adv}das ganze Leben
all one's life {adv}lebenslänglich
all one's life {adv}zeitlebens
during one's life {adv}zu Lebzeiten
one's whole life {adv}das ganze Leben
throughout one's life {adv}zeitlebens
insur. to assure one's lifesein Leben versichern
to lose one's lifesein Leben einbüßen
to lose one's lifesein Leben lassen
to lose one's lifesein Leben verlieren
to lose one's lifeumkommen
to lose one's lifeums Leben kommen
to preserve one's lifedas Leben erhalten
to rebuild one's lifesein Leben wieder aufbauen
to regulate one's lifesein Leben ordnen
to risk one's lifesein Leben einsetzen
to sacrifice one's lifesein Leben hingeben [geh.]
to stake one's lifesein Leben riskieren
to venture one's lifesein Leben einsetzen
to venture one's lifesein Leben riskieren
one's own lifeEigenleben {n}
to depart one's life [dated]verscheiden [geh. für: sterben]
to forfeit one's life [literary]sein Leben verwirken [geh.]
to stake one's life [idiom]seinen Kopf riskieren [Redewendung]
for one's whole life {adv}jds. ganzes Leben
to beg for one's lifeum sein Leben betteln
to escape with one's lifemit dem Leben davonkommen
to fear for one's lifeTodesangst haben
to fritter one's life awaysein Leben vergeuden
to gamble with one's lifesein Leben aufs Spiel setzen
to give one's life awaysein Leben dahingeben [geh.] [poet.]
insur. to have one's life assuredsich versichern lassen
to lay down one's lifesein Leben hingeben [geh.]
to live out one's lifeseinen Lebensabend erleben
idiom to plead for one's lifeum sein Leben flehen
to run for one's lifeum sein Leben laufen / rennen
to scream for one's lifeum sein Leben schreien
to seal with one's lifemit dem Tode besiegeln
to take one's own lifeSelbstmord begehen
to take one's own lifesichDat. das Leben nehmen
to take one's own lifesich (selbst) entleiben [geh.] [Selbstmord begehen]
to take one's own lifesich töten
to waste away one's lifesein Leben verpennen [ugs.]
to weep away one's lifesein Leben in Tränen zubringen
chapter in one's lifeLebensabschnitt {m}
condition governing one's lifeBedingung {f}, die ein Leben bestimmt
danger of one's lifeLebensgefahr {f}
end of (one's) lifeLebensende {n}
memories of one's lifeLebenserinnerungen {pl}
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