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English-German translation for: integration
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Dictionary English German: integration

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NOUN1   an integration | integrations
NOUN2   integration | -
SYNO   consolidation | integration ... 
NOUN   die Integration | die Integrationen
SYNO   Integralrechnung | Integration ... 
Eingliederung {f}
Integration {f}
Integrierung {f}
Verflechtung {f}
Einbeziehung {f}
Einordnung {f}
Zusammenlegung {f}
Zusammenwachsen {n}
Einbau {m}
Integration {f}
Zusammenschluss {m}
inclusionIntegration {f}
educ. inclusion [education of disabled and non-disabled students in the same classes]schulische Integration {f}
math. integrationAufleiten {n} [ugs.] [Integration]
math. integrationAufleitung {f} [ugs.] [Integration]
math. integrationIntegralrechnung {f}
integrationVervollständigung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
econ. math. backward integrationRückwärtsintegration {f}
market. brand integrationMarkenintegration {f}
building integrationGebäudeintegration {f}
economic integrationwirtschaftliche Integration {f}
economic integrationwirtschaftliche Verflechtung {f}
EU pol. European integrationeuropäisches Aufbauwerk {n}
econ. horizontal integrationhorizontale Integration {f}
horizontal integrationhorizontale Verflechtung {f}
horizontal integrationhorizontale Zusammenlegung {f}
MedTech. image integrationBildintegration {f}
educ. individual integrationEinzelintegration {f}
comp. information integration <II>Informationsintegration {f} <II>
integration (into)Einbindung {f} (in)
integration abilityIntegrationsfähigkeit {f}
sociol. integration center [Am.]Integrationszentrum {n}
anat. integration center [Am.]Integrationszentrum {n} [Integrationsorgan]
sociol. integration centre [Br.]Integrationszentrum {n}
law integration clauseVollständigkeitsklausel {f}
math. integration constantIntegrationskonstante {f}
educ. sociol. integration courseIntegrationskurs {m}
integration degreeIntegrationsgrad {m}
tech. integration density [e.g. of components]Integrationsdichte {f} [z. B. von Bauteilen]
integration effortsIntegrationsbestrebungen {pl}
math. integration intervalIntegrationsintervall {n}
integration mechanismIntegrationsmechanismus {m}
math. integration methodIntegrationsmethode {f}
QM sociol. spec. integration phaseIntegrationsphase {f}
integration potentialIntegrationspotential {n}
sociol. integration problemsIntegrationsprobleme {pl}
integration processAufnahmeverfahren {n} [i.S.v. Integration]
integration processIntegrationsprozess {m}
integration processIntegrationsprozeß {m} [alt]
tech. integration processIntegrationsvorgang {m}
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A 2020-06-15: ... wie man ein Wärmeverbundsystem mit vertikaler Integration schafft / ge...
A 2018-09-18: In den Nach-68ern war +Integration+ ein Spottwort
A 2014-09-09: integration aiming at
A 2014-07-31: vessels of integration
A 2014-07-31: vessels of integration
Q 2014-04-30: Umfrage für Ausländer/innen & Migranten/innen über Integration
Q 2013-10-16: integration of the lessions
Q 2013-09-11: Integration
A 2013-05-19: Looks like +integration suggestion / project outline+
A 2013-01-22: Spielbereich mit sensorischer Integration
Q 2013-01-22: sensory integration playroom
A 2012-09-10: Ich bin für eine Integration in das "lit."-Subject
A 2012-05-02: integration agreement
A 2012-05-02: contract concerning the integration of a subsidiary
Q 2012-03-08: Integration in + Dativ/Akkusativ?
A 2012-02-22: in a second step, ... after the integration of ...
A 2011-10-11: concessions to integration not guided by an objective , not following/on a...
A 2011-05-24: Integration of a PID controler to a convection oven with validation of the...
A 2010-12-06: Vertical integration - thanks very much
Q 2010-09-11: Risk Process Excellence and Integration

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integration by parts
integration by substitution
integration center
integration centre
integration clause
integration constant
integration course
integration degree
integration density

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