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English-German translation for: intelligent
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Dictionary English German: intelligent

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ADJ   intelligent | more intelligent | most intelligent
SYNO   intelligent | reasoning | thinking ... 
ADJ  intelligent | intelligenter | am intelligentesten ... 
SYNO   anspruchsvoll | intelligent ... 
intelligent {adj}
bright {adj}
clever {adj}
intelligent {adj}
brainy {adj}
smart {adj} [intelligent]
intelligent {adj}
intelligent {adj}
understanding {adj}
intelligent {adj}
intelligent {adj} [sensible]
intelligent {adj}
brightly {adv} [cleverly]
intelligently {adv}
intelligent {adj}gescheut [nordd. veraltet] [noch regional]
intelligent {adj}mit Verstand begabt
unintelligent {adj}nicht intelligent
2 Words: Others
highly intelligent {adj}hochintelligent
more intelligent {adj}intelligenter
most intelligent {adj}intelligenteste
2 Words: Verbs
to have brainsintelligent sein
2 Words: Nouns
comp. Internet intelligent agentintelligenter Agent {m}
relig. spec. intelligent design <ID>Intelligent Design {n} <ID>
intelligent printerintelligenter Drucker {m}
educ. spec. intelligent systemsintelligente Systeme {pl} <IS> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
intelligent terminalintelligente Datenstation {f}
intelligent typewriterintelligente Schreibmaschine {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be exceptionally cleverungewöhnlich intelligent sein
3 Words: Nouns
comp. intelligent character recognition <ICR>intelligente Zeichenerkennung {f}
automot. intelligent cruise control <ICC>Abstandsregeltempomat {m}
intelligent data stationintelligente Datenstation {f}
intelligent data terminalintelligente Datenstation {f}
relig. intelligent design movementIntelligent-Design-Bewegung {f}
electr. engin. intelligent electronic devices <IEDs>intelligente elektronische Geräte {pl}
comp. intelligent personal assistant <IPA> [software]intelligenter persönlicher Assistent {m} <IPA>
intelligent traffic routingintelligente Verkehrsführung {f}
traffic intelligent traffic systems <ITS>intelligente Verkehrssysteme {pl} <IVS>
traffic transp. intelligent transport system <ITS>Verkehrstelematik {f}
electr. intelligent voltage monitoring <IVM>intelligente Spannungsüberwachung {f}
non-intelligent terminalnicht programmierbare Datenstation {f}
4 Words: Nouns
MedTech. intelligent medical image searchintelligente Bildsuche {f} in der Medizin
5+ Words: Others
He is smart, but flaky about practical matters.Er ist intelligent, aber unzuverlässig bei praktischen Dingen.
She's supposed to be very intelligent.Sie soll angeblich sehr intelligent sein.
They say he is an intelligent man. [people say]Man sagt, er sei ein intelligenter Mensch.
You claim to be intelligent but ...Sie wollen intelligent sein, aber ... [formelle Anrede]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to (be able to) walk and chew gum (at the same time) [hum.] [pej.]halbwegs intelligent sein [ugs.]
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Q 2016-09-23: nicht intelligent genug
A 2012-10-27: Well, 5dots is living proof that highly intelligent people can and do bull...
Q 2012-08-08: GSM Alarm Gerät: intelligent study coding; million group encoding? Eigenna...
A 2012-08-03: Wie sind alle intelligent genug,
A 2012-01-08: Intelligent conversation! Should've come here first (instead of facebook)...
A 2011-02-03: He had good legal skills and was also reasonably intelligent.
A 2011-01-28: Das Buchprojekt war sehr intelligent, niveauvoll und verwendete durchdacht...
A 2010-09-27: These solutions tie in with the mass use of intelligent electronic domest...
A 2010-07-14: @Kornelius: good point, with 'intelligent' this and that under the hood of...
A 2010-07-11: a man just intelligent enough to realise he's a dimwit but not clever enou...
A 2010-04-15: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22*+is+a+bit+thick%2...
A 2009-10-31: this whole thing is based on the advice given to young brides, "if he's in...
A 2009-10-15: schlau is basically shrewd, crafty, smart, it's the practical version of k...
A 2009-07-13: So, Dudley is in English a little bit more intelligent than in German,
A 2009-06-08: The problem about him is that he was, unlike most others of his lot, intel...
A 2009-02-16: The White Shepherd Dog is both sensitive and +exceptionally+ intelligent.
A 2009-02-16: The White Shepherd dog is both sensitive and very intelligent. A great fa...
A 2009-02-16: http://www.google.de/search?num=100&hl=de&q=%22above+average+intelligent&b...
A 2009-02-16: above average intelligent
Q 2009-02-16: überdurchschnittlich intelligent

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