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English-German translation for: intend
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Dictionary English German: intend

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
VERB  to intend | intended | intended ... 
SYNO   to intend | to mean | to mean ... 
to intend
to intend
to intend
to intend
to intend sth.
etw.Akk. bezwecken [beabsichtigen]
to intend
tentieren [österr.] [ugs.] [veraltet]
2 Words
to intend (for)bestimmen
to intend (for)vorsehen (für)
to intend doing sth.beabsichtigen, etw. zu tun
to intend sth. for sb.jdm. etw. zudenken [geh.]
3 Words
to intend on doing sth. [coll.] [nonstandard] [to intend to do sth.]die Absicht haben, etw. zu tun
to intend sb. to bejdn. vorsehen als
to intend to collaboratedie Zusammenarbeit anstreben
to intend to do sth.etw. tun wollen [beabsichtigen]
to intend to do sth.sichDat. etw. vornehmen
to intend to do sth.beabsichtigen, etw. zu tun
to intend to do sth.gedenken, etw. zu tun [geh.]
to intend to do sth.sichDat. vorsetzen, etw. zu tun [veraltet] [sich etw. vornehmen]
to intend to do sth.es darauf anlegen, etw. zu tun
to intend to marry [ sb.][auf jdn.] Absichten haben [ugs.]
4 Words
to (firmly) intend to do sth.den Vorsatz haben, etw. zu tun
5+ Words
I didn't intend that to happen.Das geschah gegen meinen Willen. [unabsichtlich]
I intend to do just that.Das will ich auch tun.
I intend to invest €10.Ich möchte €10 investieren.
We intend to stage an exhibition.Wir wollen eine Ausstellung veranstalten.
What do you intend to do about them?Was gedenken Sie mit denen anzufangen?
to achieve what you intend to doerreichen, was du beabsichtigst
to intend on moving to London [coll.] [nonstandard] [to intend to move to London]beabsichtigen, nach London zu ziehen
to intend to vacate rental propertybeabsichtigen(,) gemietete Räume freizugeben
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A 2021-12-11: beat sb to it ~ If you intend to do something but someone beats you to it,...
A 2014-03-17: Intend is a bit formal if you don't start the sentence with +it.+
A 2014-03-15: wollen --> intend
A 2013-12-22: Choose this option if you intend to save the game up to the point reached ...
Q 2013-07-29: If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did He make them out...
Q 2013-07-10: DieStruktur: to intend on doing sth.
Q 2011-05-21: What on earth did the writer of the little text below intend to bring acro...
A 2010-03-01: Oh. Sorry, didn't intend to make you older than you actually are.
A 2009-12-02: Sorry, didn't intend to cause any confusion...
A 2009-09-24: If you do not intend to answer in this case, we ask you to notify us infor...
A 2009-02-18: I think it can be as you like. I like using hyphens because it makes it m...
A 2009-02-18: in case you intend to send us a claim for damages
A 2008-12-15: Letter of Intend vs. Letter of Intent (LOI)
Q 2008-12-15: Letter of Intend??
A 2007-12-30: Why not just say - ... I intend to work for 4 weeks in a kindergarten, where...
A 2007-12-13: Best: I intend to; or as 2nd best: I am planning to.
A 2007-12-13: Fudge's 'I intend to' ist das Beste
A 2007-12-13: better: I intend to
A 2007-10-24: und: do you intend to sell your products .......
A 2007-08-23: Typo: If you intend to deal

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