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English-German translation for: inter
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Dictionary English German: inter

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VERB  to inter | interred | interred ... 
SYNO   to bury | to entomb | to inhume ... 
inter- {prefix}
inter- {prefix}
inter- {prefix}inter-
to inter
to inter
to inter [formal]
beisetzen [geh.]
to inter sb.
jdn. beerdigen
to inter sb.jdn. zur letzten Ruhe geleiten [geh.] [fig.]
2 Words: Others
inter alia {adv} <i. a.>unter anderem <u. a.>
inter alia {adv} <i.a.> [among others]inter alia <i. a.> [unter anderem]
admin. inter-agency {adj} [attr.]ressortübergreifend [Verwaltung, Institutionen]
inter-American {adj} <IA> [also: Inter-American]interamerikanisch [auch: inter-amerikanisch]
geogr. inter-Andean {adj}interandin
inter-annual {adj}jährlich [bei Vergleichen zwischen mehreren Jahren]
inter-city {adj}zwischen den Städten [Verkehr]
inter-company {adj} [attr.]zwischenbetrieblich
inter-country {adj}international
inter-country {adj}zwischenstaatlich
inter-divisional {adj}abteilungsübergreifend
inter-ethnic {adj}interethnisch
inter-factory {adj}werkübergreifend
relig. inter-faith {adj}interreligiös
relig. inter-faith {adj}religionsübergreifend
relig. inter-faith {adj}zwischenreligiös
inter-generational {adj}zwischen den Generationen [nachgestellt]
hist. inter-German {adj}innerdeutsch
inter-governmental {adj}international
inter-governmental {adj}zwischenstaatlich
pol. inter-governmental {adj}zwischen den Regierungen [nachgestellt]
inter-individual {adj}interindividuell
inter-institutional {adj}interinstitutionell
inter-island {adj} [attr.]zwischen den Inseln [nachgestellt]
biol. inter-mitochondrial {adj}intermitochondrial
pol. inter-parliamentary {adj}interparlamentarisch
pol. inter-party {adj} [attr.]interfraktionell
pol. inter-party {adj} [attr.]zwischenparteilich
inter-party {adj} [attr.]zwischen den Parteien [nachgestellt]
pol. inter-party {adj} [attr.] [also: interparty] [agreement etc.]parteiübergreifend [Übereinkommen etc.]
inter-personal {adj}zwischenmenschlich
inter-professional {adj}interprofessionell
inter-racial {adj}gemischtrassig
inter-racial {adj}interrassisch
inter-regional {adj}interregional
relig. inter-religious {adj} [less commonly for interreligious]interreligiös
inter-state {adj}zwischenstaatlich
inter-university {adj}universitätsübergreifend
inter-year {adj}jahrgangsübergreifend
2 Words: Verbs
to inter-exchangeaustauschen
to re-inter sb.jdn. umbetten [Toten]
2 Words: Nouns
sports Inter Milan [FC Internazionale Milano]Inter Mailand {n} [FC Inter Mailand]
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A 2018-01-11: Diff: among others ~ among other +persons;+ inter alia > among other +things+
Q 2017-08-10: accepted the pilgrimage on the best terms in which it could be in...
A 2016-12-01: ICQ: 645068 Iam Sell Fresh Ccv,Cvv ( US UK CA AU EU INTER BRAZIL JAPAN ..... )
A 2014-12-17: 17:18 typo: inter +alia+ \ sacred forces ~ holy agencies
A 2014-10-15: I was going to mention the intra/inter difference,
A 2014-10-15: Inter / intra
Q 2012-03-04: Text über elektrisches Messgerät - "Inter-series, polarity or sacrificial ...
A 2011-10-02: milky blonde - - - Google has gone mad and inter alia offers +milky blam...
Q 2011-08-09: inter-factory - innerbetrieblich: Eintrag korrekt?
A 2011-08-09: inter-factory (?)
A 2011-02-10: Maybe it's a pun with the German word "Netz" for (inter-)net and the verb ...
A 2010-11-02: Inter alia, references to d. m. and a. abuse taken from the police case fi...
A 2010-05-17: int. al. inter alia among other things
Q 2010-04-01: inter-segment
Q 2010-03-05: Inter dealer broker (in Sachen Rueckversicherungen)
A 2008-11-03: how come I can book Europe Spezial ticket from Dresden to Prague without n...
A 2008-09-28: gratias magister, for the above and below et al. inter alia
A 2008-07-27: ..and you get this inter alia
A 2008-05-18: this would also provide the opportunity to interlink (inter)national and s...
A 2008-05-07: its a set phrase with payment is delayed inter alia

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