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English-German translation for: interest
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Dictionary English German: interest

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NOUN1   an interest | interests
NOUN2   interest | -
VERB  to interest | interested | interested ... 
SYNO   interest | interest group | stake ... 
to interest
to interest sb.
jdn. interessieren
fin. interest {sg}
Zinsen {pl}
fin. interest
Zins {m}
interest [advantage]
Vorteil {m}
fin. interest
Verzinsung {f}
law interest
Anspruch {m}
Anteil {m}
Interesse {n}
Bedeutung {f}
law interest
Rechtsanspruch {m}
Belang {m}
Wichtigkeit {f}
interest [welfare]
Anwartschaft {f}
2 Words: Others
fin. bearing interest {adj}verzinslich
fin. bearing interest {adj} [postpos.]Zinsen tragend
fin. cum interestmit Zinsschein
fin. ex interestohne Zinsschein
fin. fixed-interest {adj}festverzinslich
for interest {adv}interessehalber
fin. high-interest {adj} [attr.]hochverzinst
fin. interest bearing {adj}zinsbringend
fin. interest bearing {adj}zinstragend
fin. interest earning {adj}zinsbringend
fin. interest-bearing {adj}verzinslich
interest-bearing {adj}zinsbar [selten] [verzinslich]
fin. interest-bearing {adj}zinspflichtig
fin. interest-bearing {adj}zu verzinsen [nur prädikativ]
fin. interest-bearing {adj}zu verzinsend [attr.]
fin. interest-elastic {adj}zinselastisch
fin. interest-free {adj}unverzinslich
fin. interest-free {adj}unverzinst
fin. interest-free {adj}zinsfrei
fin. interest-free {adj}zinslos
fin. interest-only {adj} [mostly attr.]tilgungsfrei
fin. interest-paying {adj}verzinst
fin. interest-yielding {adj}zinstragend
fin. low-interest {adj} [attr.]niedrigverzinst
fin. low-interest {adj} [attr.]niedrig verzinst
of interest {adj} [postpos.]von Interesse [nachgestellt]
fin. paid interest {past-p}verzinst
sth. met interestetw. stieß auf Interesse
2 Words: Verbs
fin. to add interestZinsen dazuschlagen
to arouse interestInteresse erregen
to arouse interestInteresse wecken
to arouse sb.'s interestjds. Interesse wecken
to attract interestBeachtung finden
to attract interestInteresse finden
fin. to attract interestZinsen bringen
to attract interestauf Interesse stoßen
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A 2022-07-15: He who had the keenest interest was a certain Dr. Herbert Jehle
A 2021-12-09: Grandpa bike chat does not interest me
A 2021-02-27: PS: Im Sinne von +mich erwärmen für+ I cannot take any interest in this wo...
A 2018-10-07: to be alluding to/hinting so rather transparently to the actual object of ...
Q 2018-05-07: interest pro and contra = ??? = Soll- und Habenzinsen {pl}
Q 2018-04-16: seek an interest in your faith and prayers
Q 2018-03-29: May this be of interest? Webopedia: Online Tech Dictionary for Students, E...
Q 2017-12-25: "double interest"
A 2017-05-10: Aufzinsung - accumulation, compounding, accrued interest
Q 2017-03-04: He canceled all debts due to interest bearing loans of grain.
A 2017-01-31: special interest magazine
A 2017-01-11: I have no idea and it doesn't particularly interest me.
Q 2016-12-08: Of interest? +How to secure your Wi-Fi network - the basic version+
A 2016-06-14: Zero interest rates are a very bad idea.
A 2016-04-04: Or else ... by eroding interest rates
A 2016-03-29: North American dialects: this may be of interest
A 2016-02-20: The private account bears interest at the rate of 7.5 % p.a. / annually
A 2016-02-17: neither (payment) defaults nor losses from negative interest rates.
Q 2015-12-17: to have no ownership or other interest in any Net Revenues
A 2015-10-15: listening with interest

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