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English-German translation for: interests
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Dictionary English German: interests

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NOUN   an interest | interests
VERB  to interest | interested | interested
interesting | interests
Interessen {pl}
fin. interests
Anteile {pl}
Belange {pl}
interests {pl}
Beteiligung {f}
interests {pl}
Interessenlage {f}
interestsInteressenlagen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to betray sb.'s interestsjds. Interessen verraten
to preserve interestsInteressen wahren
to quicken interestsInteresse erregen
to redeploy interestsInteressen verlagern
to represent interestsInteressen verkörpern
to represent interestsInteressen vertreten
to safeguard interestsInteressen sichern
to safeguard interestsInteressen wahren
to share interestsInteressen teilen
to sink interestsInteressen opfern
2 Words: Nouns
econ. capital interestsKapitalinteressen {pl}
catholic interestsbreit gefächerte Interessen {pl}
clashing interestskollidierende Interessen {pl}
clashing interestswiderstreitende Interessen {pl}
comm. commercial interestsHandelsinteressen {pl}
comm. commercial interestsgeschäftliche Interessen {pl}
commercial interestswirtschaftliche Beteiligungen {pl}
common interestsgemeinsame Interessen {pl}
conflicting interestswiderstreitende Interessen {pl}
conflicting interests {pl}Interessenkollision {f}
econ. consumers interestsVerbraucherinteressen {pl}
diverging interestsauseinanderdriftende Interessen {pl}
diverging interestsgegensätzliche Interessen {pl}
diverging interestsunterschiedliche Interessen {pl}
econ. sociol. economic interestsWirtschaftsinteressen {pl}
economic interestswirtschaftliche Interessen {pl}
employee interests [also: workers' interests]Arbeitnehmerinteressen {pl}
pol. factional interestsGruppeninteressen {pl}
financial interestsfinanzielle Beteiligungen {pl}
financial interestsfinanzielle Interessen {pl}
psych. sociol. group interestsGruppeninteressen {pl}
incompatible interestsunvereinbare Interessen {pl}
individual interestsEinzelinteressen {pl}
industrial interestsIndustriebeteiligungen {pl}
industrial interestsindustrielle Beteiligungen {pl}
philos. intellectual interestsGeistesinteressen {pl}
intellectual interestsgeistige Interessen {pl}
econ. majority interests {pl}Mehrheitsanteil {m}
comm. econ. mercantile interestsmerkantile Interessen {pl} [geh.]
fin. minority interestsMinderheitenanteile {pl}
fin. minority interestsMinderheitsanteile {pl}
acc. fin. minority interestsAnteile {pl} anderer Gesellschafter
minority interestsInteressen {pl} der Minorität
moneyed interestsfinanzielle Belange {pl}
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A 2022-11-25: In the legal sphere your query relates to, commonality of interests ALSO b...
A 2022-11-25: Sticklers for literal translation might go in for +nexus of interests+ whi...
A 2022-11-25: Varietas delectat: "proximity of interests," "closeness of interests," or ...
A 2022-11-25: In the legal sphere your query relates to, +proximity of interests+ boils ...
A 2022-11-25: bordering (areas of) interests ?
A 2022-11-25: proximity of interests
A 2022-11-25: a few / some / etc. common / converging interests
Q 2018-04-23: interests or participations
A 2017-09-19: reconciliation of interests and social compensation plan
A 2015-01-20: interests of note for the adult
Q 2015-01-20: freewheeling unschooling days/interests of note
A 2014-08-27: "personal interests" is not what you should put in that part of the text
Q 2014-07-25: bonds and other interests
Q 2014-06-25: Interessenausgleich / Balance of Interests / Production Company
A 2014-06-06: What are +their+ interests and what +motivates+ them?
Q 2014-06-06: What are their interests and what does motivate them?
A 2013-11-23: if they face personal conflicts of interests
A 2013-09-28: Darryl Lyman does not seem to be a Hooray Henry - Education/Experience: B....
Q 2013-04-15: a separate requirement from the course “Conflicts of Interest: Putting Com...
Q 2012-09-22: They are to take the interests as tenants-in-common, and not as joint tenants.

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