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English-German translation for: interturn test
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Dictionary English German: interturn test

Translation 1 - 50 of 2440  >>

electr. interturn test [IEC 60050]Windungsprüfung {f} [IEC 60050]
Partial Matches
stat. extreme studentized deviate test <ESD test> [Grubbs' test]Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbs
stat. maximum normed residual test <MNR test> [Grubbs' test]Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbs
math. Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena primality test <AKS primality test>Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena-Primzahltest {m} <AKS-Primzahltest>
biol. med. hamster zona-free ovum test <HZFO test> [sperm penetration assay]Hamster-Ovum-Penetrationstest {m} <HOP-Test>
MedTech. image quality quick test <IQ quick test>Bildqualitäts-Quicktest {m} <BQ-Quick-Test>
med. multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test>multiple Schlaflatenztestung {f} <MSLT, MSL-Test>
med. multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test>multipler Schlaflatenztest {m} <MSLT, MSL-Test>
audio alternate binaural loudness balance test <ABLB test>ABLB-Test {m} [Fowler-Test]
med. prostate cancer antigen 3 test <PCA3 test>PCA3-Test {m}
audio speech perception in noise test <SPIN test>SPIN-Test {m} [ein Sprachverständlichkeitstest]
med. flexion, abduction and external rotation test <FABER test> [also: (Patrick's) FABER test]Patrick-Test {m} [auch: Patrick-Faber-Test] [Vierertest]
constr. California bearing ratio test <CBR test>California-Bearing-Ratio-Versuch {m} <CBR-Versuch>
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test <CMH test>Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel-Test {m} <CMH-Test>
med. passive leg raise test <PLR test>Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m}
med. passive leg raising test <PLR test>Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m}
med. purified protein derivative test <PPD test>PPD-Test {m}
med. slug mucosal irritation test <SMI test>Nacktschnecken-Schleimhaut-Reizungstest {m}
med. treponema pallidum immobilization test <TPI test>Treponema-pallidum-Immobilisationstest {m} <TPI-Test>
med. stat. Mantel-Haenszel test <MH test>Mantel-Haenszel-Test {m}
med. nitroblue tetrazolium test <NBT test>Nitroblau-Tetrazolium-Test {m} <NBT-Test>
audio Oldenburg sentence test <OLSA test>Oldenburger Satztest {m} <OLSA-Test>
MedTech. radioallergosorbent test <RAST test>Radio-Allergo-Sorbens-Test {m} <RAST>
pharm. limulus amebocyte lysate test <LAL test, L.A.L. test>Limulus-Amöbozyten-Lysat-Test {m} <LAL-Test>
Unverified to testkontrollieren
testErprobung {f}
testExamen {n}
testInspektion {f}
educ. testKlassenarbeit {f}
educ. testKlausur {f}
testKlausurarbeit {f}
testKontrolle {f}
testProbe {f}
testPrüfung {f}
testStichprobe {f}
testTest {m}
testTestung {f}
testÜberprüfung {f}
testUntersuchung {f}
testVersuch {m}
to test sb.jdn. auf die Probe stellen [Redewendung]
to test sth.etw.Akk. austesten
to test sth.etw.Akk. erproben
to test sth.etw.Akk. probieren
to test sth.etw. ausprobieren
to test sth.etw. prüfen
test [fig.]Bewährungsprobe {f}
Test me!Stelle mich auf die Probe!
test-based {adj}testbasiert
spec. test-theoretical {adj}testtheoretisch
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