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English-German translation for: interval
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Dictionary English German: interval

Translation 1 - 50 of 148  >>

English German
NOUN   an interval | intervals
SYNO   interval | musical interval ... 
Zeitspanne {f}
Abstand {m}
math. mus. interval
Intervall {n}
Pause {f}
Zwischenraum {m}
Zeitabstand {m}
interval [of time]
Zeitraum {m}
Zwischenzeit {f}
RadioTV interval [intermission]
Sendepause {f}
mus. intervalZusammenklang {m} von zwei Tönen [Intervall]
mus. interval [relationship between two notes]Tonabstand {m}
2 Words: Nouns
mus. (tone) interval [step, e.g. a minor third]Tonschritt {m}
tech. angular intervalWinkelintervall {n}
mus. ascending intervalaufsteigendes Intervall {n}
mus. ascending intervalsteigendes Intervall {n}
mus. augmented intervalübermäßiges Intervall {n}
electr. blanking intervalAustastintervall {n}
electr. blanking intervalAustastlücke {f}
math. bounded intervalbeschränktes Intervall {n}
calibration intervalKalibrierintervall {n}
calibration intervalKalibrierungsintervall {n}
mus. characteristic intervalcharakteristisches Intervall {n}
mus. chromatic intervalchromatisches Intervall {n}
math. closed intervalabgeschlossenes Intervall {n}
mus. complementary intervalKomplementärintervall {n}
mus. compound interval[Intervall, das größer als eine Oktave ist]
mus. compound intervalweites Intervall {n}
math. mus. compound intervalzusammengesetztes Intervall {n}
mus. concordant intervalkonkordantes Intervall {n}
stat. confidence intervalKonfidenzintervall {n}
math. stat. confidence intervalMutungsintervall {n}
stat. tech. confidence intervalSicherheitsintervall {n}
material stat. confidence intervalVertrauensbereich {m}
stat. confidence intervalVertrauensintervall {n}
mus. conjunct interval[Intervall von zwei nebeneinander liegenden Tönen]
mus. consonant intervalkonsonantes Intervall {n}
tech. cooling intervalAbkühlpause {f}
stat. credible intervalGlaubwürdigkeitsintervall {n}
stat. credible intervalKredibilitätsintervall {n}
decent intervalAnstandsfrist {f}
decent intervalSchamfrist {f}
mus. descending intervalabsteigendes Intervall {n}
mus. diminished intervalvermindertes Intervall {n}
mus. dissonant intervalDissonanz {f}
MedTech. pharm. dose intervalDosisintervall {n}
energy intervalEnergieintervall {n}
MedTech. tech. exposure intervalBelichtungsintervall {n}
phys. frequency intervalFrequenzintervall {n}
biol. generation intervalGenerationenabstand {m} [Generationsintervall, -abstand]
biol. generation intervalGenerationsintervall {n}
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Q 2018-06-25: decent interval
A 2017-04-16: Interval
A 2015-05-31: In the interim / in the interval I shall try to do whatever
A 2014-11-18: Therfore the term "interval" is in English language as difficult to handle...
A 2011-11-24: Bonus Interval
A 2011-11-24: Frequency of payment/payment frequency/payment interval, possibly.
A 2011-08-17: Bitte +Schwankungsintervall > fluctuation interval+ in dict.cc eintragen
Q 2011-08-16: fluctuation interval
A 2009-03-21: Interval: average time between departure of cars from the lobby.
A 2009-03-20: Could the "interval time" be the time that the elevator is waiting with op...
Q 2009-03-20: interval time of an elevator
A 2008-10-05: Ein Zykus ist kein Interval - bitte mehr Kontext
Q 2008-07-31: Text über Sensortechnik, unbekannter Ausdruck "shooting interval: 1ms"
A 2007-12-12: I thought of leaping from one genre to another. E. g. Chopin before and El...
A 2007-03-13: with hyphens: (end-of-) interval bell
A 2007-03-13: (end of) interval bell
A 2006-11-22: interval auf jeden Fall!!
A 2006-11-22: ? interval
Q 2006-10-06: interval
A 2006-05-13: ratio and interval scales (of measurement)

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