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English-German translation for: intervention
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Dictionary English German: intervention

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NOUN1   an intervention | interventions
NOUN2   intervention | -
SYNO   intervention | treatment ... 
NOUN   die Intervention | die Interventionen
SYNO   Eingreifen | Eingriff | Einmischung ... 
Eingriff {m}
Eingreifen {n}
Vermittlung {f}
Einmischung {f}
Einschreiten {n}
law joinder
Intervention {f}
law intervention
Streithilfe {f}
spec. intervention
Intervention {f}
Intervention {f}
Dazwischentreten {n}
intervention {sg}
Eingriffe {pl} [insgesamt]
med. QM cointerventionKo-Intervention {f} [auch: Kointervention]
interventionDazwischenkunft {f} [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
psych. intervention-guided {adj}interventionsgeleitet
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. angiographic interventionangiographische Intervention {f}
mil. armed interventionbewaffnete Intervention {f}
biol. psych. behavioral intervention [Am.]Verhaltensintervention {f}
biol. psych. behavioural intervention [Br.]Verhaltensintervention {f}
crisis interventionKrisenintervention {f}
early interventionFrühförderung {f}
med. early interventionrechtzeitige Behandlung {f}
emergency interventionNoteingriff {m} [im Notfall: Eingriff des Bedieners]
admin. econ. pol. government interventionRegierungseingriff {m}
econ. pol. government interventionRegierungsintervention {f}
econ. government interventionStaatseingriff {m}
econ. pol. government interventionStaatsintervention {f}
admin. econ. pol. government interventionstaatliche Intervention {f}
health interventionGesundheitsintervention {f}
comm. EU intervention agencyInterventionsstelle {f}
spec. intervention capabilityInterventionspotential {n}
comm. EU intervention centre [Br.]Interventionsort {m}
intervention effectInterventionseffekt {m}
med. intervention groupInterventionsgruppe {f}
MedTech. intervention level [EUR 17538]Interventionsschwelle {f} [EUR 17538]
admin. comm. intervention measureInterventionsmaßnahme {f}
educ. med. psych. intervention modelInterventionsmodell {n}
intervention optionsInterventionsmöglichkeiten {pl}
econ. pol. intervention periodInterventionszeitraum {m}
intervention pointInterventionspunkt {m}
pol. intervention policyInterventionspolitik {f}
comm. pol. intervention priceInterventionspreis {m}
econ. intervention stocksInterventionsbestände {pl}
intervention strategyInterventionsstrategie {f}
med. pharm. intervention studyInterventionsstudie {f}
intervention supportStützkäufe {pl}
comm. pol. intervention system [preferred in EU documents; also intervention arrangement]Interventionsregelung {f}
econ. med. tech. intervention thresholdInterventionsschwelle {f}
med. intervention trialInterventionsversuch {m}
hist. mil. intervention troopsInterventionstruppen {pl}
med. interventional procedure [e.g. in the urogenital tract]Intervention {f} [z. B. im Urogenitalbereich]
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Q 2021-07-06: [Eine Intervention anwenden]
A 2020-11-18: 14:59 / 17:22 bestätigt doch meine Intervention von 14:03. Kontroll-Googel...
A 2016-06-27: intervention and importance
A 2013-05-10: If the narrower context is government regulatory action: "instruments of i...
A 2012-09-26: I think intervention will do here
A 2012-07-29: intervention
Q 2012-07-29: the increase in post-intervention pain tolerance = der Anstieg der Schmerz...
A 2012-02-07: Lifesaving intervention!
Q 2012-01-10: family intervention
A 2012-01-07: divine intervention
A 2011-05-10: ... Soweit ich weiß, gibt es für die militärische Intervention in Libyen e...
A 2011-01-09: the author means state intervention as a side-effect, not state and press ...
A 2011-01-07: Behandlung / Intervention
A 2011-01-07: http://www.psychology48.com/deu/d/intervention/intervention.htm yes
Q 2011-01-07: intervention (im psychologischen Sinn)
A 2010-06-16: As far as I can see, the Tea Party objects to any official intervention
A 2010-02-10: vielleicht treffender: (according to the) given/prevailing/current policie...
A 2010-02-10: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22state+intervention...
A 2010-01-31: Kontext (Selbst-)Hypnose; intention - intERVention ?
Q 2009-11-26: obstetric intervention

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interventional procedure
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