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English-German translation for: intransitive verb
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Dictionary English German: intransitive verb

Translation 1 - 71 of 71

NOUN   an intransitive verb | intransitive verbs
SYNO   intransitive | intransitive verb ... 
NOUN1   das intransitive Verb | die intransitiven Verben
NOUN2   das intransitive Verb/ein intransitives Verb | die intransitiven Verben
ling. intransitive (verb)Intransitivum {n}
ling. intransitive verbIntransitiv {n}
ling. intransitive verb <vi>intransitives Verb {n} <vi>
Partial Matches
ling. intransitive {adj}intransitiv
ling. intransitive {adj}nicht zielend [intransitiv]
ling. verbTätigkeitswort {n}
ling. verbTunswort {n} [selten] [Tunwort]
ling. verbTuwort {n} [veraltend] [bes. im Schulgebrauch unterer Klassen]
ling. verbVerb {n}
ling. verbVerbum {n}
ling. verbZeitwort {n}
ling. to verb sth.etw.Akk. verbalisieren [ein Verb aus einer anderen Wortart bilden]
ling. action verbTätigkeitsverb {n}
ambiguous verbmehrdeutiges Kommandowort {n}
ling. anomalous verbunregelmäßiges Verb {n}
ling. auxiliary verbHilfsverb {n}
ling. auxiliary verbHilfszeitwort {n}
ling. causative verbkausatives Verb {n}
ling. compound verbzusammengesetztes Zeitwort {n}
ling. copular verbKopulaverb {n}
ling. defective verbunvollständiges Zeitwort {n}
ling. dual verbDualverb {n}
ling. finite verbFinitum {n}
ling. full verbVollverb {n}
ling. inchoative verbinchoatives Verb {n}
ling. inchoative verbingressives Verb {n}
ling. inseparable verbuntrennbares Verb {n}
ling. irregular verbirreguläres Verb {n}
ling. irregular verbunregelmäßiges Verb {n}
ling. light verbFunktionsverb {n}
ling. link verbKopula {f}
ling. linking verbKopula {f}
ling. linking verbverbindendes Verb {n}
ling. main verbHauptverb {n}
ling. main verbVollverb {n}
ling. matrix verbMatrixverb {n}
ling. mixed verbgemischtes Verb {n}
ling. mixed verbMischverb {n}
ling. modal verbModalverb {n}
ling. phrasal verbVerb {n} plus Partikel [Präposition oder Adverb]
ling. spec. prepositional verbPräpositionalverb {n}
comp. process verbProzesswort {n}
ling. reflexive verbreflexives Verb {n}
ling. regular verbregelmäßiges Tätigkeitswort {n}
ling. regular verbregelmäßiges Verb {n}
ling. rückumlaut verbRückumlaut-Verb {n}
ling. separable verbtrennbares Verb {n}
ling. stative verbZustandsverb {n}
ling. strong verbstarkes Tätigkeitswort {n}
ling. strong verbstarkes Verb {n}
ling. transitive verbTransitiv {n}
ling. transitive verbTransitivum {n}
ling. verb endingVerbendung {f} [auch: Verb-Endung]
ling. verb formVerbform {f}
ling. verb moodVerbform {f}
ling. verb phraseVerbalphrase {f}
ling. verb prefixVerbalpräfix {n}
ling. verb stemVerbstamm {m}
ling. verb systemVerbalsystem {n}
ling. weak verbschwaches Tätigkeitswort {n}
ling. weak verbschwaches Verb {n}
ling. helping verb [Am.]Hilfsverb {n}
ling. transitive verb <vt>transitives Verb {n} <vt>
ling. light-verb constructionFunktionsverbgefüge {n}
ling. noun-verb combinationNomen-Verb-Verbindung {f}
ling. verb-derived nounsubstantiviertes Verb {n}
conjugation of a verbKonjugation {f} eines Zeitwortes
ling. position of the verbVerbstellung {f}
ling. unreal modal verb constructionirreale Modalverbkonstruktion {f}
That verb takes the subjunctive.Nach diesem Verb steht der Konjunktiv.
ling. case governed by a verbRektion {f} eines Verbs
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A 2014-06-25: Das intransitive Verb würde in der Bedeutung transitiv - Sprache lebt - Du...
Q 2013-02-12: Transitive und intransitive Verben. Vielleicht sollten wir diesen Geburtsf...
A 2012-11-14: obtains (here an intransitive verb) > gilt LINK http://1828.mshaffer.co...
A 2012-07-18: Separate inflections for transitive and intransitive verbs -- A new thread!
A 2012-01-13: "Intransitive verbs of motion" tend to take sein instead of haben.
A 2011-06-27: Intransitive Verbs
Q 2011-03-24: Transitive and intransitive verbs
A 2008-12-14: Lousy English: +accrue+ is an intransitive verb made transitive by the ill...
A 2008-12-07: "interfere" is an intransitive verb
Q 2008-04-12: intransitive Verben
Q 2007-07-25: Transitive und intransitive Verben

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