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English-German translation for: invaginated nipple
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: invaginated nipple

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

NOUN   an invaginated nipple | invaginated nipples
med. invaginated nippleeingezogene Brustwarze {f}
Partial Matches
biol. med. invaginated {adj} {past-p}eingestülpt [invaginiert]
biol. med. invaginated {adj} {past-p}invaginiert
anat. nippleBrustwarze {f}
nippleKnospe {f} [ugs.] [Brustwarze]
tech. nippleNippel {m} [z. B. Gewindenippel]
anat. nippleWarze {f} [Brustwarze]
nipple-shaped {adj}warzenförmig
tech. barrel nippleGewinderohrnippel {m}
canine nippleHundezitze {f}
connecting nippleAnschlussnippel {m}
med. erect nippleerigierte Brustwarze {f}
tech. grease nippleAbschmiernippel {m}
tech. grease nippleFettnippel {m}
tech. grease nippleSchmiernippel {m}
tech. hose nippleSchlauchnippel {m}
med. inverted nippleeingezogene Brustwarze {f}
med. inverted nippleHohlwarze {f}
med. inverted nippleSchlupfwarze {f}
VetMed. inverted nippleStülpzitze {f}
tech. lubricating nippleSchmiernippel {m}
tech. lubrication nippleSchmiernippel {m}
tech. microphone nippleMikrofonstutzen {m}
nipple clampBrustwarzenklemme {f}
med. nipple confusionSaugverwirrung {f}
cloth. nipple coverBrustwarzenabdeckung {f}
med. nipple dischargeBrustdrüsensekretion {f} [Ausfluss aus der Brust bzw. Brustwarze]
med. nipple erectionBrustwarzenerektion {f}
mus. nipple gongBuckelgong {m}
tech. nipple headSchmiernippel {m}
nipple piercingBrustwarzenpiercing {n}
nipple ringBrustwarzenring {m}
med. nipple sharingBrustwarzenteilung {f}
med. nipple sharingMamillen-Sharing {n}
med. nipple sharingMamillensharing {n}
med. nipple sharingTeilen {n} der Brustwarze [zur Verpflanzung]
med. nipple shieldBrusthütchen {n} [Stillen]
med. nipple shieldBrustwarzenhütchen {n}
nipple shieldBrustwarzenschutz {m}
med. nipple shieldStillhütchen {n}
nipple stimulationBrustwarzenstimulation {f}
agr. zool. nipple troughNippeltränke {f}
nipple-clampNippelklemme {f} [ugs.]
tech. pipe nippleGewinderohrnippel {m}
pipe nippleRohrnippel {m}
spoke nippleSpeichennippel {m}
tech. suction nippleAnsaugnippel {m}
med. golfer's nippleGolfernippel {m}
nipple slip [coll.]Busenblitzer {m} [ugs.]
anat. med. supernumerary nipple [polythelia]Polythelie {f}
tech. conical grease nippleKegelschmiernippel {m}
diaphragm bushing nippleMembrandurchführungstülle {f}
flared conical nippleBördeldichtring {m}
nipple protection plasterBrustwarzenpflaster {n}
tech. push-on nippleStecknippel {m}
rubber nipple coatingGumminoppenbelag {m}
anat. med. accessory nipple [Polythelia mamillaris]akzessorische Mamille {f}
anat. med. additional nipple [Polythelia mamillaris]zusätzliche Brustwarze {f}
mining bell nipple [drilling rig]Auslaufrohr {n} [Bohrturm]
mining bell nipple [drilling rig]Spülungsauslauf {m} [Bohrturm]
anat. supernumerary nipple [Polythelia mamillaris]zusätzliche Brustwarze {f}
MedTech. nipple-sparing mastectomy <NSM>brustwarzenerhaltende Mastektomie {f}
med. congenital inversion of nipplekongenitale Brustwarzeninversion {f}
med. inflammation of (the) nippleBrustwarzenentzündung {f}
nipple [on baby's bottle]Sauger {m}
med. complete additional nipple [Polythelia completa]Polythelia completa {f} [vollständige zusätzliche Brustwarze, d. h. mit Mamille und Areola]
bot. T
bot. T
nipple [on a baby's pacifier]Sauger {m} [Schnuller]
bottle nipple [on baby's bottle]Trinksauger {m} [an Babyflasche]
hist. weapons nipple-bore [of a percussion firearm]Pistonkanal {m} [einer Perkussionsfeuerwaffe]
med. Paget disease of the nipple [also Paget's disease of the nipple]Paget-Karzinom {n}
anat. breast nipple [Papilla mammae, Papilla mammaria]Brustwarze {f}
anat. nipple [Papilla mammae, Papilla mammaria]Mamille {f} [Brustwarze]
anat. nipple [Papilla mammae, Papilla mammaria]Nippel {m} [ugs.] [Brustwarze]
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