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English-German translation for: invention
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Dictionary English German: invention

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NOUN1   an invention | inventions
NOUN2   invention [inventive spirit] | -
SYNO   innovation | invention | conception ... 
NOUN   die Invention | die Inventionen
Erfindung {f}
mus. invention
Invention {f}
inventionInvention {f} [veraltet]
rhet. invention [inventio]Stofffindung {f} [Inventio]
2 Words: Nouns
additional inventionZusatzerfindung {f}
brilliant inventiongeniale Erfindung {f}
employee inventionArbeitnehmererfindung {f}
employee's inventionArbeitnehmererfindung {f}
independent inventionfreie Erfindung {f}
invention disclosureErfindungsmeldung {f}
law invention patentErfindungspatent {n}
invention valueErfindungswert {m}
joint inventiongemeinsame Erfindung {f}
modern inventionmoderne Erfindung {f}
multiple inventionMehrfacherfindung {f}
art pictorial inventionBilderfindung {f}
art pictorial inventionBildfindung {f}
practical inventionbrauchbare Erfindung {f}
pure inventionreine Erfindung {f}
sensational inventionsensationelle Erfindung {f}
sheer inventionblauer Dunst {m} [fig.]
art mus. thematic inventionthematische Erfindung {f}
3 Words: Others
That's pure invention. [accusation, claim, story, etc.]Das ist völlig aus der Luft gegriffen. [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to finance an inventioneine Erfindung finanzieren
to make an inventioneine Erfindung machen
to refine an inventioneine Erfindung weiterentwickeln
to refine an inventionan einer Erfindung tüfteln
to steal an inventioneine Erfindung stehlen
3 Words: Nouns
amount of inventionErfindungshöhe {f}
anticipation of inventionneuheitsschädliche Vorwegnahme {f} einer Erfindung
hist. philos. art of inventionErfindungskunst {f}
assignment of inventionAbtretung {f} einer Arbeitnehmererfindung
gift for inventionErfindungsgabe {f}
ling. invention of writingSchrifterfindung {f}
spec. job-related inventionDiensterfindung {f}
powers {pl} of inventionErfindungsgabe {f}
wealth of inventionErfindungsreichtum {m}
4 Words: Others
according to the invention {adj}erfindungsgemäß
4 Words: Verbs
law to assign an invention (to sb.)eine Erfindung (an / auf jdn.) übertragen
4 Words: Nouns
anticipation of an inventionVorwegnahme {f} einer Erfindung
benefit of an inventionErlös {m} aus einer Erfindung
compensation for employee inventionArbeitnehmererfindervergütung {f}
law German Employee Invention ActArbeitnehmererfindergesetz {n}
invention of the devilErfindung {f} des Teufels
nature of an inventionWesen {n} einer Erfindung
object of an inventionGegenstand {m} einer Erfindung
priority of an inventionPriorität {f} einer Erfindung
5+ Words: Others
proverb Necessity is the mother of invention.Not macht erfinderisch.
5+ Words: Verbs
to receive a patent for one's inventionein Patent auf seine Erfindung erhalten
to take advantage of an inventioneine Erfindung nutzen
5+ Words: Nouns
announcement of (an / the) inventionErfindungsmeldung {f}
law assignment of an invention (to sb.)Übertragung {f} einer Erfindung (an / auf jdn.)
relig. Invention of the (True) Cross [invention = finding]Auffindung {f} des (wahren) Kreuzes
notice of (an / the) invention <NOI>Erfindungsmeldung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Invention of Curried SausageDie Entdeckung der Currywurst [Uwe Timm]
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A 2023-09-04: employee invention disclosure (form) ??
A 2021-10-08: Invention of a term.
Q 2017-09-01: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22Wahrheit+ist+die+Erfindung+eines+L%C3...
A 2016-06-13: I take full credit for the invention
A 2015-06-18: Invention
A 2014-07-29: A clever little invention based on the saying "where the rubber hits the road."
A 2014-06-30: @Uncle Bob: Nice invention!
A 2013-02-18: Gelegenheits- bzw. Vorbehaltserfindung > invention made on the job by acci...
A 2013-02-18: http://english.oxforddictionaries.com/examplesentences?searchType=dictiona...
Q 2013-02-18: Vorbehaltserfindung (Schweiz) - indirect job-related invention?
A 2012-06-28: I think +vorausgewünscht+ a nice invention, but I'd reword the sentence a ...
Q 2012-01-01: Music is a good invention
A 2011-08-10: Umfang > scope [of the invention]
Q 2011-01-13: (two scenes in the film are) gems of invention
A 2010-11-23: I can see the advantage of the invention,
A 2010-11-11: an invention worthy of patenting
A 2010-11-11: In this context "worth the invention" - meaning, invention enough to get a...
A 2009-09-07: Just enjoy the invention.
A 2009-08-18: +Total war+ is no 20th century invention. Reading up on the Peloponnesian ...
A 2008-12-08: I believe that 'tag jurisdiction' is a (damnable) U.S. invention, hence my...

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