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English-German translation for: inverse hyperbolic cotangent arcoth
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Dictionary English German: inverse hyperbolic cotangent arcoth

Translation 1 - 50 of 112  >>

math. inverse hyperbolic cotangent <arcoth>Areacotangens hyperbolicus {m} <arcoth>
math. inverse hyperbolic cotangent <arcoth>Areakotangens hyperbolicus {m} <arcoth>
Partial Matches
math. hyperbolic cotangent <coth>Cotangens hyperbolicus {m} <coth>
math. hyperbolic cotangent <coth>hyperbolischer Kotangens {m} <coth>
math. hyperbolic cotangent <coth>Kotangens hyperbolicus {m} <coth>
math. inverse hyperbolic functionsAreafunktionen {pl}
math. inverse hyperbolic cosecant <arcsch>Areacosekans hyperbolicus {m} <arcsch>
math. inverse hyperbolic cosecant <arcsch>Areakosekans hyperbolicus {m} <arcsch>
math. inverse hyperbolic cosine <arcosh>Areacosinus hyperbolicus {m} <arcosh>
math. inverse hyperbolic cosine <arcosh>Areakosinus hyperbolicus {m} <arcosh>
math. inverse hyperbolic secant <arsech>Areasekans hyperbolicus {m} <arsech>
math. inverse hyperbolic sine <arsinh>Areasinus hyperbolicus {m} <arsinh>
math. inverse hyperbolic tangent <artanh>Areatangens hyperbolicus {m} <artanh>
biol. biotech. inverse polymerase chain reaction <inverse PCR>inverse Polymerase-Kettenreaktion {f} <inverse PCR>
math. cotangentKotangente {f}
math. cotangent <cot, ctg, ctn>Cotangens {m} <cot, ctg, ctn>
math. cotangent <cot, ctg, ctn>Kotangens {m} <cot, ctg, ctn, Kot.>
math. arc cotangent <arccot, acot >Arcuscotangens {m} <arccot, acot>
math. arc cotangent <arccot, acot>Arkuskotangens {m} <arccot, acot>
tech. hyperbolic {adj}hyperbelförmig
ling. math. hyperbolic {adj}hyperbolisch
ling. hyperbolic {adj}übertreibend
math. hyperbolic anglehyperbolischer Winkel {m}
hyperbolic claimsübertriebene Behauptungen {pl}
math. hyperbolic functionHyperbelfunktion {f}
math. hyperbolic functionhyperbolische Funktion {f}
math. hyperbolic geometryhyperbolische Geometrie {f}
math. hyperbolic grouphyperbolische Gruppe {f}
math. hyperbolic manifoldhyperbolische Mannigfaltigkeit {f}
tech. hyperbolic navigationHyperbelnavigation {f}
tech. hyperbolic navigationHyperbelortung {f}
math. hyperbolic paraboloidhyperbolisches Paraboloid {n}
math. hyperbolic planehyperbolische Ebene {f}
math. hyperbolic rotationhyperbolische Drehung {f}
math. hyperbolic spacehyperbolischer Raum {m}
math. phys. hyperbolic surfacehyperbolische Fläche {f}
astron. hyperbolic trajectoryhyperbolische Bahn {f}
math. hyperbolic trianglehyperbolisches Dreieck {n}
math. hyperbolic cosecant <csch>Cosekans hyperbolicus {m} <csch>
math. hyperbolic cosecant <csch>Kosekans hyperbolicus {m} <csch>
math. hyperbolic cosine <cosh>Cosinus hyperbolicus {m} <cosh>
math. hyperbolic cosine <cosh>hyperbolischer Kosinus {m} <cosh>
math. hyperbolic cosine <cosh>Kosinus hyperbolicus {m} <cosh>
math. hyperbolic secant <sech>Sekans hyperbolicus {m} <sech>
math. hyperbolic sine <sinh>hyperbolischer Sinus {m} <sinh>
math. hyperbolic sine <sinh>Sinus hyperbolicus {m} <sinh>
math. hyperbolic tangent <tanh>hyperbolischer Tangens {m} <tanh>
math. hyperbolic tangent <tanh>Tangens hyperbolicus {m} <tanh>
hyperbolic cooling towerhyperbolischer Kühlturm {m}
of hyperbolic shape {adj} [postpos.]hyperbelförmig
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