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English-German translation for: investigations
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Dictionary English German: investigations

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN   an investigation | investigations
Untersuchungen {pl}
2 Words
to abandon investigationsdie Nachforschungen einstellen
to conduct investigationsNachforschungen anstellen
to pursue investigationsNachforschungen anstellen
criminal investigationspolizeiliche Untersuchungen {pl}
criminal investigationsstrafrechtliche Untersuchungen {pl}
experimental investigationsExperimentaluntersuchungen {pl}
fire investigationsBrandermittlungen {pl}
investigations officeUntersuchungsamt {n}
law judicial investigationsJustizermittlungen {pl}
admin. official investigationsamtliche Ermittlungen {pl}
journ. pol. Russia investigationsRusslandermittlungen {pl}
geol. med. sediment investigationsSedimentuntersuchungen {pl}
3 Words
law to initiate criminal investigationsstrafrechtliche Ermittlungen einleiten
chemical investigations officeChemisches Untersuchungsamt {n}
law investigations into offencesErmittlungen {pl} in Strafsachen
state of investigationsErmittlungsstand {m}
4 Words
according to preliminary investigations {adv}ersten Ermittlungen zufolge
to make investigations (about / into sth.)Recherchen anstellen (über etw.)
5+ Words
med. The ophthalmodynamometric investigations described here indicate that ...Aus den hier durchgeführten ophthalmodynamometrischen Untersuchungen lässt sich folgern, dass ...
law pol. Joint Financial Investigation Group (of German Federal Police and German Customs Investigations) <GFG>Gemeinsame Finanzermittlungsgruppe {f} <GFG>
pol. Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations [US]ständiger Unterausschuss {m} des Senats für Untersuchungen
admin. law State Office of Criminal InvestigationsLandeskriminalamt {n} <LKA>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Half Moon Investigations [Eoin Colfer]Fletcher Moon - Privatdetektiv
lit. F Investigations of a DogForschungen eines Hundes [Franz Kafka]
philos. F Logical InvestigationsLogische Untersuchungen [Edmund Husserl]
math. philos. F Philosophy of Arithmetic. Psychological and Logical InvestigationsPhilosophie der Arithmetik. Psychologische und Logische Untersuchungen [E. Husserl]
lit. philos. F Philosophical InvestigationsPhilosophische Untersuchungen [Ludwig Wittgenstein]
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A 2011-02-03: Investigations into the impact of glued joints on process stability during...
A 2010-11-06: Should be IG's investigations ( IG = Inspector General. Most likely the CI...
A 2009-08-31: 'gouge' is common in U.S. acident investigations.
A 2009-03-10: the companies examined / scrutinized / surveyed \ +investigated+ erinnert ...
A 2009-03-02: it is "to undertake investigations", so "request to undertake investigations"
Q 2008-08-08: Text über Apple Store, Begriff "government investigations" unklar
A 2008-05-22: In parts, these investigations clearly exceed this seminar paper in compre...
A 2008-04-28: Mark Knopfler again ... (Private Investigations)
A 2007-02-27: investigations revealed
A 2006-08-20: Instruktionsverfahren > preliminary investigations
A 2006-07-31: investigations by .....showed that
A 2005-03-14: Philosophical Investigations, Remark 293
A 2003-12-20: a medical practice/institute for investigations , see example website:

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