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English-German translation for: involve
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Dictionary English German: involve

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
VERB  to involve | involved | involved ... 
SYNO   to imply | to involve | to affect ... 
to involve
to involve sb./sth.
jdn./etw. einschließen [beteiligen, verwickeln]
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve
to involve sb./sth.
jdn./etw. einbinden
to involveetwas komplizieren
to involvenötig machen
to involvemit sich bringen
to involvenach sich ziehen
to involvesich drehen um
to involveverbunden sein mit
to involvezum Gegenstand haben
to involvezur Folge haben
to involve sth. [include, be accompanied by]mit etw.Dat. einhergehen
2 Words: Verbs
to involve employeesArbeitnehmer einbeziehen
to involve inverwickeln
to involve inhineinziehen (in)
to involve sb. in sth.jdn. an etw.Dat. beteiligen [an der Abstimmung, Entscheidung, am Wettstreit etc.]
to involve sb. in sth.jdn. in etw. verstricken
to involve sb. in sth.jdn. in etw.Akk. (mit) reinziehen
to involve sb. in sth. [in a larger project etc.]jdn. in etw. (mit) einbinden [fig.] [in ein größeres Projekt etc.]
to involve sb. with sb.jdn. mit jdm. in Kontakt bringen
to not involve sth. [of a plan]etw. nicht vorsehen
3 Words: Verbs
to involve (in / with)betreffen
to involve a riskein Risiko mit sich bringen
to involve sb. (in / with)jdn. angehen [betreffen]
to involve sb. in troublejdn. in Schwierigkeiten bringen
to involve the dangerdie Gefahr (in sich) bergen
4 Words: Others
It wouldn't involve you.Du hättest nichts damit zu tun.
5+ Words: Others
The floods involve great dangers.Das Hochwasser bringt große Gefahren mit sich.
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A 2019-07-24: interfaces? or simply topics which involve more than just 1 department/theme
A 2014-11-11: What does the qualification involve?
A 2013-06-26: Here's an English definition of involve -
Q 2013-06-26: involve
A 2012-11-08: +Come to a standstill+ would be possible, but that could involve braking, ...
A 2012-08-27: If it doesn't have to involve the town -
A 2012-07-11: All these methods involve medical examinations
A 2011-09-08: But this wouldn't necessarily have to involve meaning.
A 2010-02-24: ? ... may include (involve) vowel mutation
A 2009-11-26: involve-hinzuziehen
A 2009-10-02: ... in order to involve the employees on a regular and substantive basis i...
Q 2009-05-23: to involve oneself
A 2009-04-20: to involve, involving
A 2008-08-08: involve/beinhalten oder betreffen
A 2008-04-08: involve or include
A 2008-01-25: wenn du "involve" nimmst, kann auch das mitgestalten impliziert sein.... oder?
A 2007-11-13: involve/include much more action
A 2007-10-29: this may involve the wealth of information the CMS has to oversee.
A 2007-09-12: just a thought...not a flambe is it? that HAS to involve fire!
A 2007-09-07: oh right...it does involve a university hospital...

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