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English-German translation for: involvement
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Dictionary English German: involvement

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
NOUN1   an involvement | involvements
NOUN2   involvement | -
SYNO   interest | involvement | involvement ... 
Beteiligung {f}
Engagement {n}
Einbeziehung {f}
Mitwirkung {f} <Mitw.>
Verwicklung {f}
Verstrickung {f}
involvement [intellectual, artistic]
Auseinandersetzung {f} [mit etw.] [intellektuell, künstlerisch]
Einschluss {m}
Befall {m}
Einmischung {f} [Engagement]
Involvierung {f}
involvement [in a crime/conspiracy]
Mittäterschaft {f}
involvementEinbezug {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Einbeziehung]
2 Words: Nouns
med. cardiac involvementkardiale Beteiligung {f}
citizens' involvementbürgerschaftliches Engagement {n}
pol. civic involvementBürgerbeteiligung {f}
sociol. community involvementgesellschaftliches Engagement {n}
financial involvementfinanzielles Engagement {n}
government involvementStaatsbeteiligung {f}
greater involvementstärkeres Engagement {n}
involvement (in)Einbindung {f} (in)
non-involvementNichteinbeziehung {f}
non-involvementNichtengagement {n}
law prior involvementVorbefassung {f}
stronger involvementstärkeres Engagement {n}
3 Words: Nouns
comp. QM spec. involvement of peopleEinbeziehung {f} von Menschen
econ. fin. Private Sector Involvement <PSI>Beteiligung {f} des Privatsektors
third-party involvementBeteiligung {f} Dritter
4 Words: Others
with the involvement of {prep}unter Beteiligung [+Gen.]
without (the) involvement of ... {prep}ohne Einbeziehung von [+Dat.]
without the involvement of {prep}ohne Mitwirkung [+Gen.]
without the involvement of {prep}ohne Mitwirkung von [+Dat.]
4 Words: Verbs
to have an involvement (with sb.)eine Liebschaft (mit jdm.) haben
4 Words: Nouns
involvement by parties affectedMitwirkung {f} der Betroffenen
5+ Words: Others
I don't know the extent of his involvement in this affair.Ich weiß nicht, inwieweit er mit der Sache zu tun hat.
without involvement of a bank {adv}ohne Einbeziehung einer Bank
5+ Words: Nouns
extent of sb.'s involvement in an affairAusmaß {n}, in dem jd. in eine Angelegenheit verwickelt ist.
med. involvement of the heart due to sarcoidosisBefall {m} des Herzens durch Sarkoidose
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A 2020-11-20: What about +political involvement+ ?
A 2015-04-15: A Policy of Restraint rather than Non-Involvement
A 2014-07-10: Götterapparat > involvement and participation of the gods
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