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English-German translation for: iron
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Dictionary English German: iron

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ADJ   iron | more iron | most iron
NOUN1   an iron | irons
NOUN2   iron | -
VERB  to iron | ironed | ironed ... 
SYNO   to iron | to iron out | to press ... 
iron {adj} [also fig.]
eisern [auch fig.]
iron {adj} [attr.]
iron {adj} [fig.] [of will, law]
ehern [geh.] [aus Eisen] [fig.] [unbeugsam]
to iron
to iron
glätten [regional u. schweiz.: bügeln]
to iron
to iron sb. [put in irons] [rare]jdn. in Eisen legen [poet., sonst veraltet]
chem. material mineral. iron <Fe>
Eisen {n} <Fe>
iron [for clothes etc.]
Bügeleisen {n}
weapons iron [sl.]
Schießeisen {n} [ugs.]
drugs iron [sl. for: crack (cocaine)]
Crack {n}
iron [for clothes etc.]
Plätteisen {n} [nordd.] [mitteld.]
iron [Am.]Montierhebel {m}
2 Words: Others
cast-iron {adj}festgezimmert [Strategie, Weltbild]
material cast-iron {adj}gusseisern
cast-iron {adj} [fig.]eisern [fig: Meinung]
cast-iron {adj} [fig.]unumstößlich
cast-iron {adj} [fig.]hart und fest
material cast-iron {adj} [attr.]aus Gusseisen [nachgestellt]
containing iron {adj} [postpos.]eisenhaltig
archaeo. hist. Iron Age {adj} [attr.]eisenzeitlich
art iron blue {adj} [Am.]stahlblau
iron dry {adj} [Br.] [slightly damp for ironing]bügelfeucht
material iron-base {adj} [attr.]auf Eisenbasis [nachgestellt]
geol. material iron-bearing {adj}eisenhaltig
iron-bound {adj} [also: ironbound]eisenbeschlagen [z. B. Kiste]
chem. iron-catalyzed {adj}eisenkatalysiert
iron-clad {adj}eisengepanzert
chem. ecol. material iron-containing {adj} [esp. soil, water]eisenhaltig
iron-fisted {adj}mit eiserner Faust [nachgestellt]
iron-free {adj}eisenfrei
chem. iron-free {adj}frei von Eisen [nachgestellt] [meist prädikativ]
iron-gray {adj} [Am.]eisengrau
iron-grey {adj} [Br.]eisengrau
iron-hearted {adj}hartherzig
spec. iron-laden {adj}eisenbelastet
biochem. chem. iron-mediated {adj}eisenvermittelt
iron-rich {adj}eisenreich
iron-shod {adj}mit Eisen beschlagen
chem. FoodInd. low-iron {adj} [attr.]eisenarm
textil. no-iron {adj} [Am.]bügelfrei
cloth. textil. non-iron {adj}bügelfrei
of iron {adj} [postpos.]stählern [Körper, Wille]
wrought-iron {adj} [attr.]schmiedeeisern
2 Words: Verbs
to flat iron sth.etw.Akk. glattbügeln [Wäsche, Kleidung]
to flat iron sth.etw.Akk. glatt bügeln [Wäsche, Kleidung]
to iron onaufbügeln [Flicken etc.]
to iron outaufbügeln [Kleidung]
to iron outausbügeln
to iron outbereinigen [Missverständnis]
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A 2020-10-27: Fenstereisen (Bankeisen) > button; Bankeisen (Tür) > frame anchor \ +Banke...
Q 2019-04-18: iron hand in velvet glove
Q 2018-08-14: "to iron one's clothes" = ?
A 2016-09-27: Sailors are sometimes called +men of iron,+ and Lord Nelson was after all ...
A 2015-08-21: rust iron
Q 2015-08-21: rusts iron
A 2015-03-01: Ich glaube, ich lasse "iron weapons".
Q 2014-10-24: to iron out a person
A 2014-10-01: aventurine glaze und saturated iron glaze
Q 2014-09-30: aventurine glaze saturated iron glaze
A 2014-06-17: iron out a few wrinkles...
A 2013-11-28: A bit bumpy but you can iron it out, right?
A 2013-06-06: What about +Bollerofen > cast-iron heating stove?+
A 2012-11-19: to be forged from the same iron
A 2012-11-13: Iron ring
Q 2012-11-13: iron barrel stay
A 2012-07-12: Most likely, not a sign. Life-size iron deer were a popular lawn ornament ...
Q 2012-07-12: iron deer
Q 2012-07-05: Iron fist, glass jaw.
A 2012-06-11: Black iron

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