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English-German translation for: itinerant
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Dictionary English German: itinerant

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
ADJ   itinerant | more itinerant | most itinerant
NOUN   an itinerant | itinerants
SYNO   gipsy | gypsy | itinerant
itinerant {adj}
itinerant {adj}
itinerant {adj}
jobs relig. itinerant {adj} [e.g. labourer, monasticism, monk, preacher, trade]
Wander- [z. B. Arbeiter, Mönchtum, Mönch, Prediger, Gewerbe]
itinerant {adj}
jobs itinerant
Wanderarbeiter {m}
2 Words: Nouns
art itinerant artistWanderkünstler {m}
relig. itinerant bishopWanderbischof {m}
hist. pol. itinerant courtReisekönigtum {n}
jobs itinerant craftsmanWanderhandwerker {m}
jobs itinerant distillerStörbrenner {m} [schweiz.] [mobiler Schnapsbrenner]
jobs itinerant journeyman [dated]Handwerksbursche {m} [veraltet] [Handwerksgeselle auf Wanderschaft]
hist. pol. itinerant kingshipReiseherrschaft {f} [Reisekönigtum]
hist. pol. itinerant kingshipReisekönigtum {n}
jobs itinerant laborer [Am.]Gastarbeiter {m}
jobs itinerant laborer [Am.]Wanderarbeiter {m}
jobs itinerant labourer [Br.]Gastarbeiter {m}
jobs itinerant labourer [Br.]Wanderarbeiter {m}
itinerant lifeWanderleben {n}
hist. relig. itinerant monasticismWandermönchtum {n}
relig. itinerant monkWandermönch {m}
hist. jobs photo. itinerant photographerWanderfotograf {m}
relig. itinerant preacherReiseprediger {m}
relig. itinerant preacherWanderprediger {m}
relig. spec. itinerant preachingWanderpredigt {f}
relig. itinerant priestWanderpriester {m}
hist. jobs itinerant tailor [female]Störschneiderin {f} [altertümlich] [österr.] [südd.]
educ. jobs itinerant teacherWanderlehrer {m}
jobs itinerant tradeWandergewerbe {n}
comm. itinerant tradeWanderhandel {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant PeoplesPäpstlicher Rat {m} der Seelsorge für Migranten und Reisende
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A 2012-11-09: Stimmt, Joanne. Ich kenne auch nur den itinerant preacher, nicht den itine...
A 2012-11-08: The adjective is http://www.dict.cc/?s=itinerant
A 2012-08-07: Yes, must be 'itinerant.' And by the way: all horse trainers are itinerant. :-)
A 2012-08-07: "itinerant" horse trainer? "itinerary" doesn't make sense
A 2010-08-31: typo: itinerant
A 2009-11-13: Maybe the etymology of the word helps: In the past, itinerant tradesmen wh...
A 2008-10-10: Would Americans equate +migrant+ and +itinerant farm worker+ in any contex...
A 2008-10-10: The trl. problem for the U.S. is that migrant = itinerant farm worker.
A 2008-02-01: aha...thanks (not itinerant apothecaries then :-)
A 2007-12-05: an itinerant aficionado?
A 2007-11-14: itinerant tribunal
A 2007-04-28: itinerant measn travelling around,
A 2007-04-14: so would "itinerant" not do? it googles .....
A 2006-11-16: Itinerant tradesmen must own a licence - which makes them owners of their ...
A 2006-09-17: @ kalinka: Might have been an itinerant priest with corns on his feet...
A 2005-05-13: diddicoy > itinerant tinker or scrap-dealer

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itinerant craftsman
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itinerant kingship
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itinerant life

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