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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: jd hat hatte verbracht
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jd hat hatte verbracht in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: jd hat hatte verbracht

Translation 1 - 50 of 14597  >>

Keywords contained
sb. has / had spentjd. hat / hatte verbracht
sb. has / had winteredjd. hat / hatte den Winter verbracht [z. B. in wärmeren Gefilden]
Partial Matches
sb. has / had cancelledjd. hat / hatte abgebrochen
sb. has / had handed overjd. hat / hatte abgegeben
sb. has / had submittedjd. hat / hatte abgegeben
sb. has / had slimmedjd. hat / hatte abgenommen
sb. has / had locked upjd. hat / hatte abgeschlossen
sb. has / had secludedjd. hat / hatte abgeschlossen
sb. has / had pushed offjd. hat / hatte abgestoßen
sb. has / had accreditedjd. hat / hatte anerkannt
sb. has / had acknowledgedjd. hat / hatte anerkannt
sb. has / had acceptedjd. hat / hatte angenommen
sb. has / had agreed tojd. hat / hatte angenommen
sb. has / had appliedjd. hat / hatte angewandt
sb. has / had deployedjd. hat / hatte angewandt
sb. has / had inscribedjd. hat / hatte aufgeschrieben
sb. has / had written downjd. hat / hatte aufgeschrieben
sb. has / had commandedjd. hat / hatte befohlen
sb. has / had orderedjd. hat / hatte befohlen
sb. has / had settledjd. hat / hatte beglichen
sb. has / had graspedjd. hat / hatte begriffen
sb. has / had understoodjd. hat / hatte begriffen
sb. has / had complainedjd. hat / hatte beklagt
sb. has / had clad [archaic] [clothed]jd. hat / hatte bekleidet
sb. has / had advisedjd. hat / hatte beraten
sb. has / had decidedjd. hat / hatte beschlossen
sb. has / had resolvedjd. hat / hatte beschlossen
sb. has / had describedjd. hat / hatte beschrieben
sb. has / had ownedjd. hat / hatte besessen
sb. has / had possessedjd. hat / hatte besessen
sb. has / had enteredjd. hat / hatte betreten
sb. has / had crossed outjd. hat / hatte durchgestrichen
sb. has / had crossed throughjd. hat / hatte durchgestrichen
sb. has / had recommendedjd. hat / hatte empfohlen
sb. has / had acceptedjd. hat / hatte entgegengenommen
sb. has / had dischargedjd. hat / hatte entladen
sb. has / had experiencedjd. hat / hatte erfahren
sb. has / had inventedjd. hat / hatte erfunden
sb. has / had gotjd. hat / hatte erhalten
sb. has / had receivedjd. hat / hatte erhalten
sb. has / had developedjd. hat / hatte erschlossen
sb. has / had bidedjd. hat / hatte erwartet
sb. has / had watched televisionjd. hat / hatte ferngesehen
sb. has / had bakedjd. hat / hatte gebacken
sb. has / had salvagedjd. hat / hatte geborgen
sb. has / had saved [rescued]jd. hat / hatte geborgen
sb. has / had friedjd. hat / hatte gebraten
sb. has / had boundjd. hat / hatte gebunden
sb. has / had trussedjd. hat / hatte gebunden
sb. has / had thoughtjd. hat / hatte gedacht
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